Stoping my car being stolen

Just remembered something I've seen done a few times.

There are websites that let you can track mobile phones for a few quid, so what you do is get an old mobile phone with a car charger, give it a cheap pay-as-you-go SIM card, put it on silent/ no vibrate and hide it somewhere in the car with the charger attached and hardwired in.

Hey presto, budget tracker.
Just remembered something I've seen done a few times.

There are websites that let you can track mobile phones for a few quid, so what you do is get an old mobile phone with a car charger, give it a cheap pay-as-you-go SIM card, put it on silent/ no vibrate and hide it somewhere in the car with the charger attached and hardwired in.

Hey presto, budget tracker.

but the budget tracker aint stopping the car getting nicked, which is what he wanted, and then again what good is the tracker if the cars not insured, any damage and he will have to pay for it.
if it looks like a none runner the ****** will lift it and take it for scrap, they do it all the time.
I reckon the siren is the best bet, there not going to hang around with 120db in their ears.
