student demonstration

5 Dec 2004
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United Kingdom
Just watching it on the Sky news.
What other police force in the world would take the crap from this shower of tossers who probably have yet not paid any income tax.
Take the gloves off the police and let them sort out the scum bags who are there just for agro. :evil:
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Just watching it on the Sky news.
What other police force in the world would take the crap from this shower of t*****s who probably have yet not paid any income tax.
Take the gloves off the police and let them sort out the scum bags who are there just for agro. :evil:

I bet half of them arn't even students!!
Their behaviour is no better than that of the trash who infest our towns and cities.
It is in my opinion just another sign of the declining standards of the youth of today, who expect everything to be given to them without having to work for it.
God help us when this generation are running the country.
Not surprising really when you see the standard of education in the table which compares us with the rest of the EEC.
The teachers of today are the same ones who demonstated in the same manner when they were students in the 80s.
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God help us when this generation are running the country

I'm certain someone said this back in the seventies relating to the current shower we call our leaders.
I think it was my Dad and guess what? He was right. :( :(
I'd have voted to put the fees upto 10k to pay for all the repairs and cleaning up in London.

A very depressing thought that these youngsters represent the future of this country.
They don't. The yobs smashing windows and swinging from the Cenotaph are self-styled anarchists, who have replaced communists as a nasty breed of scumbag whose main motivation is envy but who justifies his actions as some kind of sacred crusade.

During the few months that I was unemployed between graduation and my first job I had an insight into the way the idle mind begins to sink into a state of apathy and then resentment towards those who seem to have more material wealth.

The proper students who I have heard speaking on the radio have all expressed their disgust for the rioting, with an articulacy and intelligence that has taken me by surprise.
And who could have predicted that after two peaceful demonstrations ended in vandalism and rioting that a third one would go the same way?
Certainly not the intelligent students who organised the march and turned up for it!

Dunno about everyone else here but in my business I have to pay for my own training courses and qualifications, or work for a company that does it for me. If I don't want to or can't afford to pay, I don't get.

Point taken RR - the majority of 'proper' students either didn't protest or protested peacefully - but those people that didn't make their point peacefully are still the youngsters of today and therefore the adults of tomorrow - and the future of Great Britain, or part of it at least.

Dunno about everyone else here but in my business I have to pay for my own training courses and qualifications, or work for a company that does it for me. If I don't want to or can't afford to pay, I don't get.


Yep! That's how it works for me.
car attack
"Meanwhile a baying mob kicked and banged on the windows and could be heard chanting "off with their heads".

there not all that bad :)
those people that didn't make their point peacefully are still the youngsters of today and therefore the adults of tomorrow - and the future of Great Britain, or part of it at least.

They are not part of the future of Britain; they will sit around smoking dope and drinking strong lager all their feckless lives, blaming everybody else and envying anybody who has worked to achieve material wealth. They will enter middle age, become unwell with lung or liver disease and mental problems then finish their miserable lives in doss houses in dumps like Blackpool or Sarfend, whining and taking from the NHS. Their predecessors are already here as the scum underclass who are bleeding the rest of us white.
Mate is a copper in riot squad, He's been called in to do overtime on riot duty. He gets paid about £150 a day to be there. All his overtime money he saves in a seperate account for his kids university fees. Irony or what? :eek:
A load of drunk/drugged up mindless lefty job dodging thugs, who will most likely never see the inside of a university, unless they break in to one and rob the place that is.
I have nothing against protesting, we live in country that allows the people to voice their disgruntlements.
But these protest have gone to far and any sympathy I have held for them has now diminished.
Should they be doing something more constructive, like be at uni?

Could anyone confirm if that was rude or offensive?
I need to get my ballance right!
Youth will always rebel. They always have and always will. It's the way of the World.
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