Two deaf blokes go into a bar.
One goes to the bar and orders: "Snthtwo pinths of lager pleasth". Barman pours them and say "That's £11.32, please".
"How mutch?!!!" says the deaf bloke.
"£11.32" repeats the barman
"Fthuck me, thaths exspensifth" says the deaf bloke
"Landlord's orders," shouts the barman, "to pay for the music played in here."
"But me and my mateth are deaf, we can'th hear the muthic" says the deaf bloke "but if we have to pay for ith, mighth asth well tell me what sthort of muthic it isth - isth it pop muthic?"
"No" says the barman
"Isth it bluesth muthic?"
"No" says the barman
"Isth it hiphop muthic then?"
"No" says the barman again
"Oh I fthucking give up" says the deaf bloke "tell me what it isth then"
"Country and Western" says the barman
"What?" says the deaf bloke
"COUNTRY AND WESTERN!" shouts the barman
"Oh, ok, thankth" says the deaf bloke.
He takes the drinks over to his mate and says "Take your time drinking theseth, coth they're fthucking exthpensthif".
"How muthch were they then?" says his mate
"Eleven poundth and thirty two penth!!!"
"Fthuck me, you weren't kiddingth, whyth that then?"
"He reckonth itth to pay for the muthic, even though I told himth we can't fthuncking hear it!"
"Oh, right, so ith it pop muthic then?"
"Hardth rock muthic?"
"Techthno muthic?"
"ok, I give up, what thort of muthic ith it then?"
"Well, Im thnot too sthure, but I think he sthaid something abouth sthome c*nt from Presthton"