Stupidity knows no bounds...

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So he should have to wait until all diabetics who voted remain get theirs, but how do you know who voted what way? The producer of insulin in this country could increase production.
How much insulin is produced in the UK currently?
So you think production of human insulin can be ramped up overnight do you?
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As long as they don't cause harm to anyone else, they are OK with me if they blow themselves up. The diabetic who may die with no insulin is not going to take dozens of innocents with him, is he?
Yeah, I don't care if they don't harm anyone else, but I think you're missing the point?! It's about blind belief no matter the consequences to themselves and others.

If only brexiteers were forbidden from having insulin, then fair enough - they made a choice for themselves. But it doesn't work that way.
They've had a while to prepare. "Fail to prepare,prepare to fail"
You mean the government in power, the government that wants Brexit.

Its hard to prepare for something which is a con.

You cant get back sovereignty when havent lost it
You cant get back control by Brexit, only lose control
You make you can make trade deals which are better than we currently have, only worse ones.
You mean the government in power, the government that wants Brexit.

Its hard to prepare for something which is a con.

You cant get back sovereignty when havent lost it
You cant get back control by Brexit, only lose control
You make you can make trade deals which are better than we currently have, only worse ones.
So just stick your head in the sand then.
"We want to move house"

OK, where do you want to move to?

"Don't know "

Town or country?

"Don't know"

Flat , house or bungalow?

"Can't decide"

Rent or buy?

"Don't ask me"

Perhaps we should reconsider, or take more time

"No, I want to move. We're out of here in three weeks"
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