Stupidity knows no bounds...

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Did you know and/or notice there has been freedom of movement to and from England and Portugal for 630 years?

If not, would you have got upset and voted against it for no reason had someone told you?
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Most things mmmm, floods, nuclear attack, flu epidemic, petrol tanker crashing into your house.......
I did say most, not all. Floods and petrol tanker would not affect me, the other 2, well my Sun Life funeral plan will cover that, and I got a free pen. There may even be some money left over so loved ones can buy some factor 5000000 sun block.
I bet you lot will all be gutted when we leave without a deal and hundreds of thousands of people don’t die. If that happens, will you then agree that it was project fear and that people have seen through it and it has failed?

A no deal scenario for the UK is not in reality no deal is just a fantasy spouted by politicians.

All it means is the UK leaves the institutions, then discovers 250,000 UK businesses want to trade with the EU, so it will need to return to the begotiating table within weeks for:

Irish border
Divorce bill
Citizens rights

Which will need sorting before any trade talks start.

And if the UK has left, it wint have a single trade arrangement in the world.....which leaves very weak to negotiate with anybody.
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There is of course the rest of the world, maybe they would be willing to slum it and trade with us.

That's an interesting idea.

Can you give us an example of a country that we don't currently trade with, due to our membership of the EU?
When the BBC were asking for opinions on the possibility of shortages of medicines given a no-deal, this 'gem' was unearthed...

"When questioning members of the public about what they made of the warnings, he encountered resistance from one diabetic who wanted a no-deal Brexit, even if it put at risk his medicine.

"So you rely on insulin?" asked the reporter.

"Yeah I rely on insulin," confirmed the member of the public. "But I still want to leave."

"If the insulin doesn't arrive, for you as a diabetic, you think that's a price worth paying?" enquired the reporter.

"Yeah I do," the Brexiteer replied while nodding."

Do or die?

This plonker appears to want both!

Such is the cult that is brexit :rolleyes:

the country is full of bone eads :LOL: apparently there are some living abroad who voted to leave the EU :LOL:

they should not be allowed back into the UK as we have enough bone eads here as it is :LOL:

the bloke in yer post , the diabetic . Is a stalwart who is prepared to give his life for the cause ;)

good on him I say :LOL: prepared to give his life for the betterment of his fellow citezins
Who is that say that UK goods will be shoddy?
How difficult is it for quitters to understand that if goods don't comply with EU standards, then they can't be sold to EU countries :rolleyes:

Anyway, you didn’t answer my question.
I answered...

Have you come up with any benefits of leaving the EU yet?

Or any EU legislation/regulation that has affected you negatively?

Of course you haven't...

Because you can't :LOL:
How difficult is it for quitters to understand that if goods don't comply with EU standards, then they can't be sold to EU countries :rolleyes:

I answered...

Have you come up with any benefits of leaving the EU yet?

Get our country back innit. s'ovius innit.
How difficult is it for quitters to understand that if goods don't comply with EU standards, then they can't be sold to EU countries :rolleyes:
So, if they exceed EU standards, the quality must be lowered to meet EU standards? Is that what you are saying?
With the eu. There is of course the rest of the world, maybe they would be willing to slum it and trade with us.

The EU is the UKs biggest export market and UK businesses are fully aligned with EU regulatory standards.

The cant afford not to keep trade with the EU as frictionless as poss.

The rest of the world already trade with us......surely you have bought goods that cam from China, India, Thailand, Vietnam
Did you know and/or notice there has been freedom of movement to and from England and Portugal for 630 years?

If not, would you have got upset and voted against it for no reason had someone told you?

I was talking to a 629 year old Portuguese girl walking her dog in Thetford forest last month. She said she'll never go home.
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