I'm doing some electrical work in the kitchen of my new house and I've found the wiring for the garage has been taken from a junction box spurred from the socket ring main. It looked a bit dodgy so I've disconnected it all but I need to reinstate it. Can I make a small sub-circuit/ spur with a two mcb consumer unit on the ring main pretty much as it was or do I have to start back at the main fuse board? I hope that makes sense to those in the know.
I'm doing some electrical work in the kitchen of my new house and I've found the wiring for the garage has been taken from a junction box spurred from the socket ring main. It looked a bit dodgy so I've disconnected it all but I need to reinstate it. Can I make a small sub-circuit/ spur with a two mcb consumer unit on the ring main pretty much as it was or do I have to start back at the main fuse board? I hope that makes sense to those in the know.