Sue Gray

Eh you can pack that in, he's on here to ask questions and be contrary, he doesn't give his own opinion.
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Quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur.
Hitchens's razor is an epistemological razor that serves as a general rule for rejecting certain knowledge claims. It states:
"what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence."

Are you absolutely certain you want to use that paradigm here, JD?
You're looking into a two-way mirror with no idea what will be looking back at you.
So you keep saying, but it's obvious you swing to the left and support Labour policies; or you're a very wet Liberal, though i doubt that with your consistent views on abolishing the monarchy and establishing a Communard agenda within a Parliamentary system, unchecked by the Lords.
I'm somewhere in the middle. I don't know where. No party attachment whatsoever. Why does anybody have to agree with just 1 party ?
I'm somewhere in the middle. I don't know where. No party attachment whatsoever. Why does anybody have to agree with just 1 party ?
Why ask a question when it's so easy for you to give an answer. Youve said you don't like politicians that lie, that is never going to change due to the fact it's the nature of the beast of politics to be economical with the truth.
Answer, I'm in the growing number of people of a disenfranchised party who will spoil their ballot paper.
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Why ask a question when it's so easy for you to give an answer. Youve said you don't like politicians that lie, that is never going to change due to the fact it's the nature of the beast of politics to be economical with the truth.
Answer, I'm growing a number of people of disenfranchised party who will spoil their ballot paper.
I'd prefer to use my vote to oust the local Tory. Change is needed. I'd vote for the 1 most likely to achieve it

There is a difference between economical with the truth, and outright lies.
There is a difference between economical with the truth, and outright lies.
Really, so one doesn't lead to another.

So a tactical voter who could vote for a candidate with the morals of an ally cat as long as he could oust the Tory candidate.

Thought we might be, giving opinion opens you too criticism some can take it some can't.
agree, it's the allegation that needs the proof.

That's how fake news works otherwise
It’s been widely reported, documented and commented on.

It appears naughty Sue kept her lips sealed when she should have declared the conversation and registered the conflict.
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I've got the supreme Court judgement in front of me, where do you want me to look?
The basis of the appeal to the supreme Court, was that the Acts of Union had supremacy over the N.I. Protocol and therefor the Protocol was unlawful.

The judge's conceded that the Protocol did conflict with article 6 of the Acts of Union but it wasn't unlawful because the withdrawal act which contained the Protocol was the will of Parliament and Parliament was supreme.

In cases like this, judges never seem to be stuck for a legal euphemism, they said, article 6 had not been repealed, it had been 'modified ' and in effect suspended while the Protocol is in force.

To this effect, the Court concluded Article VI of the Acts of Union is subject to the Protocol such that, while the provision is not repealed, it is modified to the extent that it is, in effect, suspended (para. 68).
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Woman in charge of standards applies for post retirement job in charge of standards. Nasty smear campaign.

To this effect, the Court concluded Article VI of the Acts of Union is subject to the Protocol such that, while the provision is not repealed, it is modified to the extent that it is, in effect, suspended (para. 68).
That's better, so the Act of Union isn't suspended.
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