For BS7288, it's implied that:
Fault protection - fuse or circuit breaker
Additional protection - from a 30mA RCD to 61008 or 61009 (as in section 415 in BS7671)
Supplementary protection - the undefined purpose that a socket outlet RCD provides.
Dictionary definitions of words and what they mean in certain standards are generally unrelated.
The meaning of words in one standard are often completely different to the same words in another standard.
One standard directly conflicting with another is a regular event.
Colossal mistakes and obvious blunders are commonplace.
Given the mess that was added in BS7288:2016 which made the whole point of the devices entirely irrelevant, those who amend BS7671 had no other choice but to remove any reference to it.
BS means British Shambles.
BS EN is the British Shambles version of European Nonsense.
It's not supposed to make sense.
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