It isn't chipboard, but you're right, it would be a waste to change track.
In half the room there just isn't the clearance to Cellotex /screed.
On tops of CLS, knots and areas adjacent planed where slightly proud.. Additional legs fixed once CLS level (Gorilla glued, and quick grip clamped to push air out. Clamp removed after wood draws some moisture from glue, about 20min), gravity fittings essentially, piloted and screwed the once glue set.
Some original outside noggins left in as no screw access once fixed down.
CLS butts PU glued, plus screws (2No. 5x80 min.), others just Gorilla.
CLS/Ply feet chocks Gorilla glued in everywhere I can get them once the CLS is level.
Leaving a 1mm gap between ply boards?
Landings at board edges (only one frame is actually 1.2m x 2.4m).
It's very flat and doesn't creak.
Fun fact: Budvar tins are 0.1 thk.