Swine fever

15 May 2008
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United Kingdom
Wife says "i want you to go for a swine fever test" hubby protests "but i have never been to mexico" wife says "i know but you have been with some pigs in your time". :LOL:
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I phoned NHS Direct and they sent me to the chemist for some oinkment
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Once again....

Me and Mrs W. went to get fuel earlier. Mrs W freaked out. I had to explain it was Texaco, not Mexico.
Alex Ferguson is relieved to hear the latest outbreak has it's origins in pigs...

He misread the first reports as 'wine flu'
just come back from a holiday in mexico, bit of a pig sty if you ask me
Actual fact is its not the mexicans who are responsible for the swine flu outbreak its the Danishhhh.
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