You have some actual facts for this period of time?
"Two main statistics have been used to count coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths in England: death
registrations involving COVID-19 (reported by the ONS) and deaths within 28 days of a positive
SARS-COV-2 test (reported by the UKHSA). The 28-day measure is a timely measure of
COVID-19 deaths to inform public health response, but less precise than death registrations
which consider the cause of death"
"From January 2022, a marked uncoupling was observed"
"While both measures remain useful, they serve different purposes. Death registrations are a
reference for overall death toll from COVID-19 (along with excess mortality estimates) and the
28-day death measure is most useful as a rapid indicator of death following COVID-19 infection,
with peak utility when a new variant emerges or during a new wave which requires timely
monitoring of severity for public health purpose"
Those filling out the death certificates still have to follow the guidelines in force at any one time.