Taking light fixtures from UK to North America

If you have CFL lamps you may find that will work at 120v (though not much lower) even if it says 200/250v on them.

On a recent visit to Nepal there were frequent power cuts (referred to as load shedding). When it came back on it was initially about 110v, the lights worked, the fan turned very slowly, and the air con would not start up.
Well they are certainly used in Asia, Australia, and Africa.
Since European made 100 - 250 V Power Supplies (for 12 V or 24 V LEDs) are sold in North America with the Brown and Blue "harmonised" Line and Neutral colours, it must be assumed that the NEC/CEC does allow these harmonised colours.
(See https://www.ebay.com/itm/223143879147?ul_noapp=true)

One might prefer the DC output colours to be Red and Black, but that is another story.
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