That's well known fake, which you can tell if you stop the frames.
QI, blades are.
Obviously, tougher materials need less acute angles etc.
If the angle is too small the blade is weaker than it needs to be; if you polish it down to the last feather at the edge, same thing.
If you try to cut a slice of something tough like a crusty roll with a razor, it'll bend and buckle the edge of the blade and snap it. (You eat the metal feather that broke off.)
So you need hardness, toughness, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, then the optimum in edge angles.
You get most of those by alloying, unless you want to use ceramics, which take diamonds to sharpen - not such a biggie these days. You also get the option of coating something tough(steel) with harder ceramic.
I've used glass/sapphire knives for EM prep, diamond knives, and vibratomes, a bit specialist.