No it wasn't. It was a decision due to risk taking and some famous results.
Yes it was.
Bankers' bonuses - Wikipedia
On 26 June 2013, the European Parliament and Council of the European Union passed the "EU banker bonus cap",[7][8] which took effect on 1 January 2014.[9] In December 2013, the European Banking Authority issued a final draft regulation to determine who a "material risk taker" is, which was expected to take effect in the first half of 2014.[10] In September 2013, the United Kingdom sued over the cap.[11]
On February 25, 2014, the EU's two legislative bodies, the European Parliament and the European Council, agreed to restrict retail asset managers' bonuses. The agreed upon Directive would restrict the form of bonuses requiring at least 50% of bonus amounts to be paid in shares of the fund under management, and at least 40% of bonus amounts must be deferred for three years.[12]
On 20 November 2014, the Advocate General of the European Court of Justice (ECJ), Niilo Jääskinen, published his legal opinion that the EU cap was legitimate. Although the Advocate General's advice is not binding, the ECJ almost invariably follows it. The UK government subsequently announced that it was withdrawing its legal challenge to the cap. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, said in a statement: "I'm not going to spend taxpayers' money on a legal challenge now unlikely to succeed. The fact remains these are badly designed rules that are pushing up bankers' pay not reducing it. These rules may be legal but they are entirely self-defeating, so we need to find another way to end rewards for failure in our banks".[13]
In March 2015, guidelines were proposed by the European Banking Authority (EBA) that increased the range of applications for the EU bonus cap. For banks the guidance removed the ability to use certain allowances that regulators believed were being used to circumvent the cap. The guidelines are due to come into force on January 1 2016. The guidance advised that they should be applied to compensation for the 2016 performance year.[14]