The budget that's been announced appear to counteract what the bank of England are trying to do to get inflation under control.
It seems to be a budget not well thought out, almost as if the advisers were ignored a d forced out..
If it were thought out, or executed to historical norms, it would simply involve raising interest rates, cut spending. raise taxes and batten down the hatches for 3 years of recession. For most of us, well, me anyway, it's not the end of the world, I can survive that. For many, it will involve losing their house, their livelihoods and in many cases their lives.
As I said before, it's a gamble, s**t or bust, it either works or it doesn't. I hope it works, if it doesn't,, JohnD's lot will get in, the poor will become rich and rich will be strung up from lamp posts, all will be well in the world.