On home sets 2, 5 and 3 (bell wire bal)
On PABX with ER eath recall 2, 5, 4
On PABX plan sets with ER / 1A or parellel phones 2, 5, 3 and 4
On key systems (old ones) 2 pair, digital can be 1 or 2 pairs
3 pair was the standard BT cable (2 pair isn't) and the logic was simply that 1 pair would be spare under 100% of BT uses.
As for colours, BOGBS was the orginal (blue orange green brown slate) with whites.
This evolved to CW1308 spec cable, again BOG (3 pair), BOGB (4 pair).
Large mult cores say 100 pair
Are BOGBS with whites 5 pairs
BOGBS with reds
BOGBS with blacks
BOGBS with yellow
(25 pair and 50 pair have additional BOGBS with violet)
Making the 1st 20 pairs, the 1st 20 pairs were under a B- blue ribbon wrap, the 2nd 20 pairs a O-orange wrap, the 3rd 20 pairs a G- green wrap, the 4th 20 pairs a B- Brown wrap and the last 20 pairs a S- slate wrap.
Last time I played with 160 and 320 pair cables different makes came with different wrap colours- but it doesn't matter- just as long as both ends are the same sequence