As Tony says, there should be no need to further adjust either dhw or heating, unless the knobs broke while turning it down.
As all boilers since 2005 have to have appropriate external controls to comply with Part L Building regs, heating should be adjusted and turned on/off by these.
Please be reminded that technically only a RGI can remove the front casing as it forms part of the 'room seal' of the appliance. Also PCB damage and risk of electrical shock if you open the PCB housing.
Sorry to state the obvious!
Well , here are some obvious facts too :
1) this is a DIY site, not a 'tell them they are breaking "Part L builldings regs" site.
2) Part L Building regs probably only applies in your 'unspecified country', not necessary where most of the readers live (so at least try to be more precise about localisation).
3) unplugging electric appliances is always a good idea when you start to tamper with them
4) removing the front is not going to harm you, I promise. The front weighs about ... 3 or 4kg. It has nothing attached to it. If removing it is a problem for you , then doing stuff yourself is probably indeed not a good idea.