Temporary road signs

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OK. In almost 50 years of driving I think I've wrecked three front wheels by hitting debris on motorways. Twice it was a pallet and once a concrete lintel (which wrecked the front suspension on the works Transit I was piloting). I've also swerved to avoid stuff umpteen times. Unlucky? I don't think so - it's just that I used to drive 25 to 35k miles every year for work at one time, much of it late at night/early in the morning.... So I DO report stuff like that - by ringing 0300 123 5000 (I have hands free and it's on speed dial)
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OK. In almost 50 years of driving I think I've wrecked three front wheels by hitting debris on motorways. Twice it was a pallet and once a concrete lintel (which wrecked the front suspension on the works Transit I was piloting). I've also swerved to avoid stuff umpteen times. Unlucky? I don't think so - it's just that I used to drive 25 to 35k miles every year for work at one time, much of it late at night/early in the morning.... So I DO report stuff like that - by ringing 0300 123 5000 (I have hands free and it's on speed dial)
Interesting, a couple of questions. The incidents you describe, how many were preceded by a warning sign? How often have you seen warning signs (with or without "report of...") where there was debris?
'Report of' because if they wait to confirm it in person before posting it someone could be killed during the wait.
M1 Derby to Barnsley stretch.

"Smart" motorway.

I've posted before that the signs are set to 50, regardless of weather or traffic. Even when there has been next to nothing on the road, and bright sunshine.

Last few times I've been through there, the signs are still set at 50, but now with the qualifier "For air quality", or similar wording.
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M1 Derby to Barnsley stretch.

"Smart" motorway.

I've posted before that the signs are set to 50, regardless of weather or traffic. Even when there has been next to nothing on the road, and bright sunshine.

Last few times I've been through there, the signs are still set at 50, but now with the qualifier "For air quality", or similar wording.

I think that some do this to slow the traffic for a number of reasons: reduction of emissions, reduction of fuel usage, avoiding people driving to closely, etc.

Whether these things do any good, I don't know.
I think that some do this to slow the traffic for a number of reasons: reduction of emissions, reduction of fuel usage, avoiding people driving to closely, etc.

Whether these things do any good, I don't know.

Fair enough, but not when the motorway is empty!
I think that some do this to slow the traffic for a number of reasons: reduction of emissions, reduction of fuel usage, avoiding people driving to closely, etc.

Whether these things do any good, I don't know.

Do you have any idea if this is in their operational charter or if it is simply a case of someone implementing their own wishes ?
Do you have any idea if this is in their operational charter or if it is simply a case of someone implementing their own wishes ?

I have no idea. Even if we asked them, do you think they'd admit anything?
I have no idea. Even if we asked them, do you think they'd admit anything?
I don't suppose they would, but I'm still suspicious. Apart from emissions etc they might be hoping to catch a few going faster. I hesitate to say speeders, if the 50 mph is unwarranted.
I don't suppose they would, but I'm still suspicious. Apart from emissions etc they might be hoping to catch a few going faster. I hesitate to say speeders, if the 50 mph is unwarranted.

Ah, yes! How silly of me!
The obvious answer, for cynics like me, is that they will make a lot of money out of motorists exceeding the speed limit by 2 mph or more.
I hesitate to say speeders, if the 50 mph is unwarranted.
Arguments about whether a speed limit is "warranted" or not are fruitless.

They are what they are, and for the typical distances of these temporary ones they make b*****-all difference to your overall journey time.
Arguments about whether a speed limit is "warranted" or not are fruitless.

They are what they are, and for the typical distances of these temporary ones they make b*****-all difference to your overall journey time.
Have you used the M1 recently? I was on it last Friday,and there was a stretch about 40 miles of 50 mph. Naturally there was little or no sign of anything going on. At my time of life I have (almost) the patience of Job, but even I find that a bit frustrating.
I still think it leaves a nasty taste when one gets the impression, as many do, that some of these limits are more to do with generating revenue than road safety.
Have you used the M1 recently?
No - I'm more of an M2/M20/M3/M4/M40/M25 kinda guy.

I was on it last Friday,and there was a stretch about 40 miles of 50 mph. Naturally there was little or no sign of anything going on. At my time of life I have (almost) the patience of Job, but even I find that a bit frustrating.
14 minutes.
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