The whole set of rules introduced by Johnson were flawed, to say before moving home you need to register with a doctor near that home makes sense, it insures the heath system in that area can cope with the people living there. But to say you must pay 40% extra council tax for infrequent used home, then not allowed to used it, then add more insult when Johnson moves to Checkers, even if it did make sense to do it, was broadcasting the wrong message, it was saying only the rich and privileged can use second homes.
When some one is fined for fishing, but not when demonstrating again wrong message is being sent, I am told travel limited to 5 miles, and 20 miles is outside limit when needed to visit shops or for medical, but the reason for only 14 deaths in whole of Powys is there are no hospitals in Powys they are in England, so size of Powys it is clear you need to travel well over 20 miles.
And although on the A5 there is a big sign Welsh Colvid-19 rules apply, on the A495 all there is to see is a small sign saying Powys, how many English know Powys is in Wales and Welsh rules apply?