Thank you

My father was a morse code radio operator with the RAF in India for 6 years during the War against the Japanese.

Sadly, my father could never talk to me about what happen as I wanted to know. All I know he was POW's and they were force to dig a tunnel to be ready buried alive but some of them managed to escape & left, my dad was one of the lucky few.

Sadly he ended up getting deep depression and took his own life in 1992 when I founded him, he could never ever get over it what they did.

Thermo is spot on regarding 15th August 1945 is often overlooked.

Thanks you dad and others for being brave who died for us in any war for freedom and they shall not be forgotten.
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Very sorry to hear that Masona it must of been an awful time for the whole family.

I believe this is one aspect that is often overlooked. We often hear of the lives lost but not often about the ones (victims and families)which are ruined by the likes of the above or disability, etc.

I was watching the news tonight which contained footage of POW's, the emaciated state of proud and brave men should be enough to make our leaders try their utmost to prevent any more wars. Sadly it doesn't seem to be the case though.

It was all such a tragic waste of life on all sides.
david and julie said:
Very sorry to hear that Masona it must of been an awful time for the whole family.

I believe this is one aspect that is often overlooked. We often hear of the lives lost but not often about the ones (victims and families)which are ruined by the likes of the above or disability, etc.

I was watching the news tonight which contained footage of POW's, the emaciated state of proud and brave men should be enough to make our leaders try their utmost to prevent any more wars. Sadly it doesn't seem to be the case though.

It was all such a tragic waste of life on all sides.
Hear Hear.
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