In the general discussion forum, a 'thanks' typically means "yes, i agree". Whereas in the individual forums, people are usually helped with an issue, so the thanks actually mean "thanks".
Personally I wish they would add a slap button next to the thanks button
It is a forum and ratio to post and thanks, doesn't really show the full or realist picture.
It's always nice to receive thanks if your post has been helpful, not only to the OP be also to someone who has viewed the post and thought comments made had been useful to them.
I have asked questioned were some members have tried damn hard to solve my problems, but not always been helpful, but I do appreciate their time.
If someone could suggest a way that could get lifesagasman put in to an asylum somewhere or stop his crappy music links being post, I would like to thank you.
I like it.
I help moderate a Man City forum which doesn't have the option
I like it.
I help moderate a Man City forum which doesn't have the option
Presumably it has a 'bung' button though?
why post to get a thanks...must be your life... but hey ho.. if it makes you feel better... how sad...