That's a Shame

The question is Bloom, did you post under the name of Roguehangar back in 2014?
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Can we have the thumbs down button back, please, pretty please.

I just tell you how I/we feel Roy.

73 likes now! Keep up the good work. Impressive.
I've told you before, I don't judge my life by how popular I am. I live my life, and always have, by my own internal values.
I'm not up for election and I don't feel the need to seek support.
The question is Bloom, did you post under the name of Roguehangar back in 2014?
Show me the rule that requires members to disclose any previous usernames.
Otherwise stop stalking. You're getting as bad as Mottie, seeking any snippet of information you can glean to weaponise against others.

That's pretty sick behaviour.

And I do hope that this thread doesn't get deleted like the others. I hope the thread remains intact so that others can see the kind of sick people that use the forum.
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I got some more I'd like to say yeah or nay on, do you want the diynot ones or the screwfix ones first.?
Like all bullies they don't like it up em.
Gantish again. :rolleyes:
You should stop posting when you can't type properly anymore.
It always happens about this time in the evenings.

And I'm really sorry if you, Mottie, nwgs, Stivino, Nocth7, fillyboy, et al feel you are being bullied. :rolleyes:

I'm gobsmacked.
I was on DIYnot and noticed that another poster called ReganAndCarter had used an offensive racist word. He knew it was racist and offensive because he intentionally misspelled it to get round the auto-censor.
But when I complained about it, my post, and others was deleted, and every time I complain about the racist post, my post is deleted, but the offensive post is allowed to remain.
It is obvious that DIYnot is overtly allowing and supporting some posters to be intentionally racist.#

Bobby Dazzler

I'm gobsmacked.
I was on DIYnot and noticed that another poster called ReganAndCarter had used an offensive racist word. He knew it was racist and offensive because he intentionally misspelled it to get round the auto-censor.
But when I complained about it, my post, and others was deleted, and every time I complain about the racist post, my post is deleted, but the offensive post is allowed to remain.
It is obvious that DIYnot is overtly allowing and supporting some posters to be intentionally racist.#

Bobby Dazzler
So other have seen his racist comments, back in 2020.
I bet he feels proud of that, and it obviously makes his claim that he does it for sport a diversionary lie. He intentionally mispelled the word to avoid the censor. I thought that was against the rules. perhaps not for some. And he's still allowed to post his racist comments on here withouit restraint.

It looks like Bobby Dazzler has summed up the situation pretty well.

And I see he had plenty of opposition on that site also.
That's how prevalent racism is, and it needs to be confronted at every opportunity.
It's their moderators that delete my criticism, and allow the racist comments to remain.
There could be several reasons for that:
a) the comments aren't racist, and I am mistaken.
b) the admin prefer a culture of racism to a culture devoid of racism.
c) the admin place financial interest above a moral compass.

i am absolutely confident that a) does not apply. On all the occasions that ReganAndCarter has been criticised by me for being racist, the dictionary definition always defines his comment as offensive.
Is b) applicable? I leave it open to others to judge, but on the basis that I have seen so far, and the defence of racism on that forum, and now on this forum, it would appear that DIYnot prefers a culture of racism, or it is so endemic or institutionalised as to be acceptable.
Is c) applicable? Perhaps. They accept a culture of racism in the interest of their financial gain. But that still means that the majority of its members find racism acceptable. That is frightening in this day and age.
That is correct. I do live in France.
My original post stated that I was restoring an old stone building in France. I did not state that I was living in France. There are a lot of UK (and other) people who are restoring buildings in France but don't live here.

I asked willyEckerslike to share his thoughts on why he thinks I live in France. I didn't deny living in France, and I openly state that I do live in France.
I note that WillyEckerslike chooses to ignore me rather than respond to my requests.

When people defend racists, even with statements denying that the actions and behaviour was racist, it is defending racism and racists.

if you don't wish to be associated with defending racism and racists, don't defend their actions.

Your comment quoted below, about which I suggested you were defending ReganAndCarter's racist behaviour. You can see that you consider me to be the troll for confronting racism, rather than the racist ReganAndCarter on DIYnot for making racist comments:
Gantish again. :rolleyes:
You should stop posting when you can't type properly anymore.
It always happens about this time in the evenings.

And I'm really sorry if you, Mottie, nwgs, Stivino, Nocth7, fillyboy, et al feel you are being bullied. :rolleyes:
I don’t feel bullied, I just don’t care you you massive attitude problem. Like most of the forum doesn’t.

If that’s rude, it’s your own fault.
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