The best cooking thread

The difference is that I like you and enjoy our discussions.
You and I have fallen out previously but do manage to rub along ok and sometimes quite well most of the time. I leave threads when I think you are getting a bit angry or frustrated with me to try and not cause bust ups. I don't understand why you are being like this to be honest. There is enough bad blood on here already. What is going on please?
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You and I have fallen out previously but do manage to rub along ok and sometimes quite well most of the time. I leave threads when I think you are getting a bit angry or frustrated with me to try and not cause bust ups. I don't understand why you are being like this to be honest. There is enough bad blood on here already. What is going on please?
He is one. of the trolls mate.
You and I have fallen out previously but do manage to rub along ok and sometimes quite well most of the time. I leave threads when I think you are getting a bit angry or frustrated with me to try and not cause bust ups. I don't understand why you are being like this to be honest. There is enough bad blood on here already. What is going on please?

I do likewise. I think we have found a way to get by even though we have such different opinions. I think you are an interesting and complex person which is why I am prepared to put in the effort to make things work and have a good conversation.
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I apologise if I have upset either or both MNW67 or HighwayMan on the other thread. I'm really not up for more falling out. I'm going to clear off now.
You certainly have not upset me mate. I couldn't care less about MNW67 to be fair, he is simply a troll.