The Big Red Bus

Did you believe The Big Red Bus.

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we have had a complaint over the use of the word "liars"
I see blow job's fellow liars are having a hissy fit over him being taken to court...

They no doubt think they are all above the law!

Funny how they see it as being 'politically motivated'...

Given the long list of political lies they told to hoodwink the part of the electorate that frequents the lower end of the intelligence scale :LOL:
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If memory serves, the bus said something along the lines of "we send £350m a week to the EU, Let's fund the NHS instead"
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They may be packed with promises which the party knows it has no intention of keeping, but it would be very hard to prove that beyond reasonable doubt.

Not the same as claims which are demonstrably false and which the person making them could reasonably be expected to know were false.
They may be packed with promises which the party knows it has no intention of keeping, but it would be very hard to prove that beyond reasonable doubt.

Not the same as claims which are demonstrably false and which the person making them could reasonably be expected to know were false.
You mean the £350m, I see. Yes, wrong figure, more like £365m, could have been a typo, and those buses are big things and would cost a lot to re do it, so under stating the figure is not as bad as overstating it.But taking the rebate into account it's only £269m, so that's a mere drop in the ocean and nothing to worry about.
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perhaps the Brexers will compensate for their earlier false claim by sending out a "correction" bus.

So what is this "lie" he is supposed to have told
I guess it must be a whoppa because it's landed him in crown court. Silly Boris. I'm sure he could do without the distraction. Maybe he needs to employ a new fact-checker.
knowingly telling porky pies in public office.

way i see it if the end result is that boris johnson does not become PM then this court case brought by some remoaner may well serve some use ?

Corbyn had better take heed as well ? should he ever find him self in public office ? he could end up in the dock as well :LOL:
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