The folly of antivaxxers

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
"Almost half of the US Covid-19 hospitalisations this winter could have been averted if the country had matched the vaccination coverage of leading European countries, according to a Financial Times analysis of the Omicron variant’s impact on either side of the Atlantic.

The data show large pockets of unvaccinated or partially vaccinated people in the US have placed more pressure on hospitals during the Omicron wave than in European nations with higher immunisation rates.

The analysis supports the findings of scientists and accounts of frontline medics who say lower vaccination levels are perpetuating the pandemic in the US. The number of Covid patients in US hospitals on January 19 would have peaked at 91,000 instead of 161,000 if the US had the same rates of vaccine coverage in each age-group as Denmark, 100,000 if the US had matched the UK, and 109,000 if the US uptake rates looked like Portugal’s, the analysis showed.

Across the seven months since July, spanning the Delta and Omicron waves, US daily patient numbers would have averaged 39,000 — rather than the 80,000 recorded — had its vaccination coverage tracked that of Portugal."

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“The truth is that an 80-year-old that’s vaccinated and boosted and gets Covid most of the time has nothing more than a cold,” said Phillip Coule, professor of emergency medicine at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University.

By contrast, he added, “a healthy 50-year-old who’s a little bit overweight, has problems with blood pressure or diabetes and is not vaccinated at all ends up in the ICU”. In December, unvaccinated Americans above 18 years old were 16 times more likely to be hospitalised compared with those who had finished their primary course of vaccination, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Americans between the ages of 50 and 64 years who were vaccinated and had a booster jab were 46 times less likely to be hospitalised."
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Johd fighting back against the uturn on nhs employee vaccines being SCRAPPED. In his own little way of course.
Awwww pity.
Can we a dedicated Corvid sub-forum plz
Most other forums have the trolling under control. There’s so many covid and pro-vaccine trolls in here , they just hijack every thread .A sensible conversation is impossible.
It wouldn't surprise me that the majority of anti vaxxers on here are actually jabbed up to their eyeballs.

Trolls of this type are usually infantile, source of fun for them and also always make infantile posts.

The FT post. We have seen the same here even though the infection levels as usually measured are lower than the probably really are. The NOS is now thought to be more reliable and that shows higher. Comments from a nurse - people who have been jabbed and finish up in hospital are having an easier time. Not so the others and some if jabbed may not have even finished up there, who knows, no one - all regret not having them. That from a nurse I know.

My wife has shopped in 2 areas recently. One is a largish group of smaller shops. Not much mask usage at all. Another with some larger ones around and most wearing masks even younger people. :( So much for the figures behaviour of late. More time needed.
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