the good the bad the ugly ?

markie said:
PS Nige F done the body building thing i am 6"2 , 18 stone . my body was my temple, now it's in ruins :LOL:
:LOL: :LOL: Same size as me...........just I never bothered to exercise,or spend all that money on "supliments"....just got good genes :LOL: and lots of "cousins" :eek: P.S don`t believe Freddie..
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Personally I don't think anyone on here could be considered to be any of the above. Good and bad is an opinion.

I agree with notb665 you need to read the threads or posts that interest you, then make up your own mind.

There are some on here who rarely agree, examples are me/oilman/kendor and BAS, the trick is to disagree without being downright offensive to each other, on the whole I think we manage that, but others clearly do not and jump down each others throats all to readily, this is not a problem in itself, but it does stifle debate and ruin some good topics.

A typical example is oilmans first post in this thread. Clearly personal opinions are being carried from thread to thread.

Having said that, you watch how the viewings shoot up during a really heated debate. :LOL: :LOL:

As regards the Ugly, I thought beauty was in the eye etc, I seen some right ugly scruffy blokes with really good lookers on their arm and vise versa, one mans meat. I would think the vast majority on here wouldn't have a clue what each other look like.

There are different interpretations of ugly though, and I'm not sure if you mean this one.
david and julie said:
A typical example is oilmans first post in this thread. Clearly personal opinions are being carried from thread to thread.


Well if you go back to the original post, it was asking who was good/bad and what people thought of others, so what did you expect? Waffly answers basically saying nothing? I'm so simple, if someone asks a question, they will usually get an answer, and if it's an opinion, it can't be anything other than personal.
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oilman said:
david and julie said:
A typical example is oilmans first post in this thread. Clearly personal opinions are being carried from thread to thread.


Well if you go back to the original post, it was asking who was good/bad and what people thought of others, so what did you expect? Waffly answers basically saying nothing? I'm so simple, if someone asks a question, they will usually get an answer, and if it's an opinion, it can't be anything other than personal.
Do you mean this?
I'm one of the bad guys, whereas joe-90 for example, is one of the greatest intellects ever to exist on the planet, does that help for starters? (Ask him if you don't believe me).
Thats not really your personal opinion though is it oilman. Its just a cheap shot and not a very good one either. I know you can do better because you have at me in the past. :D
so what did you expect? Waffly answers basically saying nothing?
Yes. ;)
igorian don't be silly abuse is permitted from page 3 :LOL: ;) PS david / julie when i posted the word ugly i was refuring to the film the good, the bad, the ugly. not the way people look, even though i'm such a handsome bast##d :LOL: ;)
Maybe we could all put our pictures on here and have an 'ugly' contest! ;) :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
markie said:
igorian don't be silly abuse is permitted from page 3 :LOL: ;) PS david / julie when i posted the word ugly i was refuring to the film the good, the bad, the ugly. not the way people look, even though i'm such a handsome bast##d :LOL: ;)

I know that, hence I named some cowboys! :LOL: :LOL: (only joking gentlemen)
markie said:
D / J i would'nt enter the ugly comp, there no point in entering a comp if u know you would not win. :LOL: :LOL: ;)

I think you've pulled Dave. ;)
i think you could describe all of us as"good bad or ugly" at different moments in time ;)
just depends on how "strong "the argument is or how "well reasoned"it is
some people get frustraited if they cant get there point accross
some people get angry if they cant convert you
and some get angry if you dont "bite" :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ;)
Richardp said:
It used to be friendly then it turned nasty then it turned friendly again then it got nasty, then it went all friendy and then it got nasty again or was that friendly? maybe friendly is the wrong expression or nasty or either maybe it was neither of those maybe some people are nice and others are not so nice or more nice some people in here are excellent and others are downright gents or is that upright, I like the ladies best, no I'm not a homophobe what the **** are you suggesting ? where am I ? what am I doing here ? are you my mummy ? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!

A veritable corn(ish)ucopia of indecision, but it's a great life in the navy, when you are not at sea ! :D :D
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