The Hamiltons

24 Feb 2004
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United Kingdom
Christine and Neil ....
Policeman lost libel case.
Looks like Police gonna be paying out £150,000 plus for the wrongful arrest over 'rape' allegations. ... Sorry, we'll be paying.
Maxy boy Cifford had to pay 'em £100,000 too. .. No doubt if he submits a bill we'll pay that too !!
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So they should be compensated. They were not guilty, someone lied to the police and they were subsequently arrested. Clifford is a leach anyway and should pay up so what is the problem :?: ;) We wont pay his bill he has made enough money on the suffering of others ;)
jasy said:
So they should be compensated. They were not guilty, someone lied to the police and they were subsequently arrested. Clifford is a leach anyway and should pay up so what is the problem :?: ;) We wont pay his bill he has made enough money on the suffering of others ;)
I should have made it clear, I am on their side, I think old Chrissie is a right battler ... Many would have succumbed to the possibly orchestrated, various attempts to vilify them.
Whatever the outcome of what you are talking about, they were both down on their arse, they did anything to get themselves out there and earning again and succeeded even if they got up some peoples noses----------------you cant knock them for that
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fair play to the pair of them. I hope clifford chokes on a bottle of his fake tan ;)
Did they get up peoples noses though? I personally find Christine really interesting and funny when she's on the telly. She's got so much more about her than your average celebrity. I can't see that wimpish Neil would of got far without her really.
david and julie said:
Did they get up peoples noses though? I personally find Christine really interesting and funny when she's on the telly. She's got so much more about her than your average celebrity. I can't see that wimpish Neil would of got far without her really.

I think the whole thing has destroyed him, he is / was a lawyer besides politician .. I guess he got caught out, many never do ! ;)
cant see how it can be a wrongful arrest. An allegation is made so the police are duty bound to investigate it. To do that theyve got to get both sides of the story and the accuseds version has to be gained according to the Police and Criminal Evidence Act. Still they manage to get money like this all the time, makes you wonder how they managed in the first place....oh yes mummy and daddy
Thermo said:
cant see how it can be a wrongful arrest. An allegation is made so the police are duty bound to investigate it. To do that theyve got to get both sides of the story and the accuseds version has to be gained according to the Police and Criminal Evidence Act. Still they manage to get money like this all the time, makes you wonder how they managed in the first place....oh yes mummy and daddy

So what is your point Thermo----do you begrudge them having wealthy parents?????????
no i dont begrudge them that freddie. They just seem to be the kind of people that never actually do anything, but seem to make inordinate amounts of money out of hours, and are always seking the spotlight. Bit like tara palma wierdo psycho features. i just dont see their purpose in life. Im all for people that make money through hard work, or through the use of their brain etc, but what do they actually do?
Tara Palmer whatever's voice, diction, style, manners and general allure would blitz the likes of 'Jordan' etc. Sillycon is as sllycon does !! ;)
Thermo said:
no i dont begrudge them that freddie. They just seem to be the kind of people that never actually do anything, but seem to make inordinate amounts of money out of hours, and are always seking the spotlight. Bit like tara palma wierdo psycho features. i just dont see their purpose in life. Im all for people that make money through hard work, or through the use of their brain etc, but what do they actually do?

very true but as long as they entertain us in some way leave them alone---------------they are better than any politician anyday
Freddie said:
very true but as long as they entertain us in some way leave them alone---------------they are better than any politician anyday
Well the day has finally come when the likes of the hamiltons and tara palmer tomkinson are referred to as entertainers :eek: , just shows how low the quality of television has become these days. :(
Thermo said:
cant see how it can be a wrongful arrest. An allegation is made so the police are duty bound to investigate it. To do that theyve got to get both sides of the story and the accuseds version has to be gained according to the Police and Criminal Evidence Act. Still they manage to get money like this all the time, makes you wonder how they managed in the first place....oh yes mummy and daddy

The allegation should be fully investigated before someone is charged, in this case , well... you seen what happened ;)
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