The Head of the Company.....

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
......who made the Grenfell insulation has admitted "it was an accident waiting to happen."

Say no more, he has admitted it, let's arrest him and put him on trial for Corporate Manslaughter.

But that won't happen, will it?
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......who made the Grenfell insulation has admitted "it was an accident waiting to happen."

Say no more, he has admitted it, let's arrest him and put him on trial for Corporate Manslaughter.

But that won't happen, will it?

probably not ?
Perhaps he has realised his company is going to be slaughtered and he wants to put his hands up rather than try and deny it.
Or Claude has a get out of jail card as the company were not aware of there product being used in blocks higher than 18 metres ?

unlikely ?
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......who made the Grenfell insulation has admitted "it was an accident waiting to happen."

Say no more, he has admitted it, let's arrest him and put him on trial for Corporate Manslaughter.

But that won't happen, will it?
But he may just end up being the 'fall guy' whilst the political (do it as cheap as possible) culprits will escape 'scot free'!
I note that those who were accusing TM of murder corbyn
McDonald and certain other party members ;) are not calling Claude
A Murderer

predictable tbh
I note that those who were accusing TM of murder corbyn
McDonald and certain other party members ;) are not calling Claude
A Murderer

can you show us the people you have in mind? Maybe you should speak to them.

Or is it just one of your fictional troll stories?
can you show us the people you have in mind? Maybe you should speak to them.

Or is it just one of your fictional troll stories?

nonsense McDonald made the accusation on TV and the radio

perhaps you were asleep at the time or to concerned about her shoes

you trolling again johnd
No. For the same reason that the MD of Viners or Wilko are not charged everytime someone is stabbed to death with one of their knives.

hmmm don’t think that comparison wood hold water tbh
it will be some lowly hands on sub contractor who carry’s the can ?
The word accident does not look like an admission of guilt.

1....An unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury.
2....An event that happens by chance or that is without apparent or deliberate cause.
The word accident does not look like an admission of guilt.

1....An unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury.
2....An event that happens by chance or that is without apparent or deliberate cause.
Unless of course someone admits it was an 'accident waiting to happen'...

Which tends to mean that a person has foreknowledge, and thus culpability!
No. For the same reason that the MD of Viners or Wilko are not charged everytime someone is stabbed to death with one of their knives.

unless, perhaps, it was sold in a box marked "warranted non-stabbable - safety tested"
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