The Matrix

19 Jan 2006
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United Kingdom
I've watched this film a few times (it's on at the moment).

Does anyone know what it's all about?
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.....basically, we are all living in a 'false world' - generated by computers.

Machines are now 'masters' of the world and feed off the electrical energy created by humans (who are kept in little pods). To prevent human's becoming wise to this, they are 'fed' computer generated 'dreams' - and this is the world we think is real.

Some human's have discovered the truth, and have broken away from their pods and travel about in a ship - their connection to/from the computer generated world is via a telephone. They search for the one person (Neo) who they believe can release all human's and rid the world of the machines. The machines know about this, and hunt for these people (in the guise of agents)

Make sense now?
well done Gary, you have a talent.
great film but having seen it once I couldnt stay up for another showing.
although having said that' i did watch Zorro for the second time, nice bit of welsh, no not hannibal lector :LOL: Catherine Zeta Jones not my cup of tea but she did look nice in that film..
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I watched the first 5 minutes with my boys, went out to stick the kettle on and never came back, that how good it was, not getting old am'I :LOL:
THe Matrix is just a must for the visual effects, I think it was a first with a few of them.
There was a great article in the new scientist, that plotted the advances in computer graphics along a timeline. Without going into the ins and out's of the article, it claimed that if the advances continued at such a pace, then it could well be argued that the chilling fact is that we are all simulations. i.e. we are living in the matrix, I certainly can't do the article justice, but it was definitely thought provoking. See if I can find / be bothered to find the link.

here is as far as I got, which was about 20 google keystrokes.
It's worth having a read of Michael Crichton's 'Prey'. Excellent and believable sci-fi about nano-technology and what happens as a result of our quest to make 'nano-robots' more intelligent :eek:. I won't give the plot away but definitely worth checking out :)
What a load of ridiculous escapist camp drivel, presumably inspired by super nerds. Put the kettle on again masona, the second instalment has just started.
keyplayer said:
What a load of ridiculous escapist camp drivel, presumably inspired by super nerds.
well i for one find the theory behind the matrix fascinating - what if the machines did take over the world and use humans as their power source? Where the dead are liquified and fed introvenously to the living. Where the humans live in a simulated world generated by computers and have no knowledge of them actually being stuck in a little pod being used as a power source.

And think about this: What if its true?

:cool: ;)
I agree :) I think we must learn to think 'more out of the box' that society has conformed us into - as a method of control. We should open our eyes to all possibilities :)

If we just accepted everything we were told, we would never advance as a species.

Nano-technology exists. AI exists. Combining them both exists. Who's to say that if we can create something that can 'think' for itself, that it will not be able to 'learn' for itself and develop :eek:

I too find this all very interesting :p

:cool: <---------- my Matrix look

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