The May deal

15 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
Or should I say the deal about to get turned down.

how much is true?

for example:
'no more paying money to the EU'
How can that be the case? - surely that is determined by the trade deal.....
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It doesn't matter, whether you voted out or in, this is a sellout. But then, all along, I didn't expect anything else.
It doesn't matter, whether you voted out or in, this is a sellout. But then, all along, I didn't expect anything else.
Partly agree,ref 2,vote out again,lets do it properly next time and hard brexit.
Brexiteers' fantasy.

We knew that from the beginning.
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Im talking about possible outcomes of the next few weeks,you on about fantasies.I can assure you John,None of my fantasies involve politics!!!!
Its a framework for how we operate until we get our ducks in line. Arguably it fixes the issues with article 50, which is not drafted to assist someone leave the EU.
I don't think there is a better deal on the table - its not down to poor negotiation, its down to poor strategy.

A lot more should have been done prior to triggering article 50. We also should have been ready to tear up treaties US style.
Partly agree,ref 2,vote out again,lets do it properly next time and hard brexit.

This is already exactly what was voted for. You, and others, voted for this.

Why is anybody surprised we are in such a mess. Nobody specified what was wanted.
We are in a mess partly because:
- Some remainers wont accept the democratic vote and are trying to get Brexit to fail, so they can say - see we are better off staying in.
- Some politicians are hell bent on destroying their party to get more power
- Some politicians are happy to say they would do it better, when they clearly have no clue
- The EU is actively seeking to give the UK a bad deal in order to discourage others and grab economic market share
- Countries are using it to settle old scores.

It has at least been a chance for everyone to see true colours.

Trumps approach is a lot better - Storm before calm - classic negotiation tactic that works.

There is a lot of noise about voting it down - lets see where we end up 2019, I doubt most will have the minerals.
We are in a mess partly because:
- Some remainers wont accept the democratic vote and are trying to get Brexit to fail, so they can say - see we are better off staying in.
- Some politicians are hell bent on destroying their party to get more power
- Some politicians are happy to say they would do it better, when they clearly have no clue
- The EU is actively seeking to give the UK a bad deal in order to discourage others and grab economic market share
- Countries are using it to settle old scores.

It has at least been a chance for everyone to see true colours.

Trumps approach is a lot better - Storm before calm - classic negotiation tactic that works.

There is a lot of noise about voting it down - lets see where we end up 2019, I doubt most will have the minerals.

That would make sense if there had ever been an idea at the starting point of what was either voted for, or wanted. Brexit means brexit, is no way to begin any negotiations.

The EU is not giving a bad deal for the reasons you say. They are ensuring the deal works for them. That is 1 of the advantages of any buying group.

1 of the differences with the Trump/USA approach is their strength. Do you think we have the same power ?
What would the EU have done if:
- we'd set up trade deals ready to go with the US and other nations in defiance of EU rules?
- If we stuck to no settlement without a trade deal?
- If we literally said come and have a go if you think you are hard enough?
- If we started restricting govt contracts to new 'friends' and excluded EU firms due to Brexit?

We should have started by focusing our energy on the rest of world not negotiating "Parole" with the EU.

...the Brextremists have a vague and unachievable idea of what they want, and have failed to put together a proposal or plan for what they want and how to achieve it.

This is partly because they can't agree even among themselves.
Agree - so crazy to start Article 50, until we had a plan.
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