The McStrike

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I'm with these Young employees of the big chains / business.
Striking for better pay.
Let's face the bosses of these big businesses don't give a monkeys tit on how these people support their family's on the pittance of a wage they get....

So why do idiots like Owen Jones & James O"brian not see that an endless labour supply from Eastern Europe is to blame for static low wages.

Yes Bodd it's simple supply and demand, not enough houses the prices rocket. ....a surplus of labour wages drop.

It's odd really a bit of a paradox'd expect the conservatives to want lots of migrants to force wages down and you'd expect labour to be against mass immigration because it forces wages down. But we have the exact opposite conservatives wanting to reduce immigration and labour wanting everyone to come here and have no borders. I think it's a paradox any how. Blair opened the door to mass migration when he had his eyes of the presidency of the EU. .....good ole blair !
The conservatives dont want to reduce immigration, if they did surely they would have systems to stop overstayers?
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Yes Bodd it's simple supply and demand, not enough houses the prices rocket. ....a surplus of labour wages drop.

It's odd really a bit of a paradox'd expect the conservatives to want lots of migrants to force wages down and you'd expect labour to be against mass immigration because it forces wages down. But we have the exact opposite conservatives wanting to reduce immigration and labour wanting everyone to come here and have no borders. I think it's a paradox any how. Blair opened the door to mass migration when he had his eyes of the presidency of the EU. .....good ole blair !

Oh That's what paradox means
The conservatives dont want to reduce immigration, if they did surely they would have systems to stop overstayers?

You are right.. But I understand that that it's their greed as apposed to their good hearted Ness

But O J & James O"brian are clever intelligent men who fail too relate the two subjects.

It's a total Paradox.... X :D
I'm with these Young employees of the big chains / business.
Striking for better pay.
Let's face the bosses of these big businesses don't give a monkeys tit on how these people support their family's on the pittance of a wage they get....

So why do idiots like Owen Jones & James O"brian not see that an endless labour supply from Eastern Europe is to blame for static low wages.
So after Brexit, you expect wages to rise?

The trouble I've always thought about when we hear of unskilled labour 'striking' for more money, it doesn't increase the value of what they're doing, just decreases the value of what everyone else is doing.

So in the end they'll not end up any better off than when they started and will only help to drive up inflation.

They're demanding £10 an hour. When does frying and bagging burgers warrant £10 an hour? It doesn't. I'd understand and be able to side with them if it was a more realistic figure, but a tenner an hour? That's pretty silly.

Owen Jones is a fool, quite simply; how he manages as much air time as he does I find hard to understand.
£10 a hour is hardly rolling in it. The national minimum wage doesn't even cover basic living costs.

Yeah, sure, someone flipping burgers or emptying our bins doesn't have to be a brainiac, but their work should still be paid enough for them to cover their bills and in the case of many of these low paid, low skilled jobs, we should appreciate what they do to keep things ticking along for the rest.
It all depends on how much profit the company is making, if it is making large profits then it can afford to pay a higher hourly rate.
£10 a hour is hardly rolling in it. The national minimum wage doesn't even cover basic living costs.

Yeah, sure, someone flipping burgers or emptying our bins doesn't have to be a brainiac, but their work should still be paid enough for them to cover their bills and in the case of many of these low paid, low skilled jobs, we should appreciate what they do to keep things ticking along for the rest.

Depending on where you live and what you're doing, £10hr for unskilled work is very well paying job. 5 8 hour shifts a week on the reported average at McDonald's of £7.54 would gross enough to cover the average cost of living for a single person with enough left over to consider yourself as having disposable income. Granted not a massive amount but certainly not terrible either.'s

It all depends on how much profit the company is making, if it is making large profits then it can afford to pay a higher hourly rate.

Business are there to make profit; as miserly as it is, they don't make (or retain) proffit by spending more of it; it would eventually be passed on to the consumer. If sales decreased, profits would follow, jobs would go.

We've seen this already in the states, McDonald's workers protested for $15 an hour, McDs responded by phasing in automated services and cutting jobs because they wouldn't remain profitable passing it on to the consumer.
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You know what the old saying is? Don't you?
So after Brexit, you expect wages to rise?

Where did I say that?

I started by saying James O Bee and Owen Jones where idiots... .. I forget to mention you....

You don't know a Paradox from your elbow. ....
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