The most boring fixture in the world EVER part 6!!!!!!

TexMex said:
Like the time I burned down the stables, was good enough to force me to play the entire seasons fixtures.
I wonder what they would have forced you to do if you'd been caught with the stable maid? :)
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kendor said:
TexMex said:
Like the time I burned down the stables, was good enough to force me to play the entire seasons fixtures.
I wonder what they would have forced you to do if you'd been caught with the stable maid? :)
:) Didn't have any. We only used the stables as storage for the canoes, stage scenery and props and a car that was being built by our 5th formers. It was the car workshop that I chose to sneak into for a ciggy. A careless flick of my match happened to land in a bucket of petrol where some parts were soaking for degreasing. In his panic to put the flames out, one of my mates kicked it over and the ensuing fireball sent all of us scarpering PDQ. No evidence was ever found against me, but the head unilaterally decided that I was involved anyway. I got the blame for everything in those days :evil:
TexMex said:
A careless flick of my match happened to land in a bucket of petrol:

Sure thing Tex, could have happened to anyone! :D :D
petewood said:
Sure thing Tex, could have happened to anyone! :D :D
Honest it really was an absolute genuine fluke accident. I felt really bad about the loss of the canoes. These had been paid for by our Geography teacher, out of his own pocket. Just about every boy in the school had been taught to do eskimo rolls in the school lake, so they were very popular.

To the day I left, neither me or my mate ever admitted culpability. If we had, we would have undoubtedly recieved a sound thrashing. A disinterest in football just wasn't on the radar.
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to answer a few replies ...teehee ..

If you went to a New Inner City comp in the late 70s ,
you were CALLED POOF (most I know are gay now ), if you didnt watch tv , an you WERE BEATEN /BULLIED...

me a IT/tech guy , = gay/unsociable frustrated Inadequate lil man, an have NO REAL WORLD friends,weird designs on Tv Stars female an male (Star Trek Characters,lol) ,an drive very fast flash cars,an talking in the third perspective about one self , eg ," yeah moz was great last night he had 2 page 3 girls all night an then 2 more , wow , he is the dateski guy YEAHHH!"(high fives optional , Vince St Claire ;) )
+ the sad deluded belief that he is an intellect online an can try to mug others online with his beliefs ...

I must say NO...

Im a bathroom fitter an part time drunk ...

" and is in a 'gang', he is 12 and he hates sport but enjoys school. "

nice to see you have educated thugs there ,lol WELL DONE .. :)

+ all you whinners if you were educated in the real world an Not poncy Public schools , you would agree with everthing I said if not I bet your mummsie or nanny only allowed Blue Peter /Sat swap shop I bet you never heard of gribber stebson , an tucker , at G/H
this thread is shut too rants if you liked the things I said about Tiswas an G/Hill ("You Boy!!!! ")post but if not do one gayer posh IT guys
In Petewoods post:
kendor said:
A careless flick of my match happened to land in a bucket of petrol:

That wasn't my quote???
Apologies for my lack of editing skills, corrected now.
Moz said:
+ all you whinners if you were educated in the real world an Not poncy Public schools ,

Why are you under the mistaken impression that an inner city comprehensive is any more "real" than a public school? I actually went to a grammar school, which is a state-funded school for those who come top in the 11+. They are becoming less common (thanks Labour), but they are an excellent idea. Give the more gifted children the opportunity to study at a higher level, regardless of parental wealth. Had it not been for a grammar school, I would have gone to a comprehensive.

Now, the real world for me involves academic levels of science and engineering, the need to speak more than one foreign language, occasionally the use of latin to solve a water-cooler dispute on the correct plural of "virus" (it's viruses, by the way!).

Having thick people in your school will only help prepare you for a life surrounded by thick people. However, for me that would NOT be real. I am surrounded by highly intelligent, gifted engineers and scientists every day at work. My social circle consists of doctors, nurses, lawyers, bankers, management consultants, scientists, engineers and teachers. For me, and many others like me, THAT is the real world.

Now thinking about it, your school experience was LESS real world than mine. You are obviously intelligent, so I doubt you were one of the bullies. And your experiences of them all sound like third party accounts. Now, how did that prepare you for being a bathroom fitter? Do other bathroom fitters come and steal your dinner money because you fitted a really good bathroom last week and the customer commended you on it? They get jealous because they aren't as good at plumbing as you perhaps, so they steal your blowtorch? :LOL:

In the real world, people don't resort to playground bullying. Yes, there is a certain amount of bullying in business, but the motive is totally different. There is no "Hey, that company is doing better than ours, the FT has written a glowing article on them so let's beat them up". Neither literally nor metaphorically.
AdamW said:
I am surrounded by highly intelligent, gifted engineers and scientists every day at work. My social circle consists of doctors, nurses, lawyers, bankers, management consultants, scientists, engineers and teachers

I have a similar circle of friends to you Adam but I would argue that some of them are amongst the 'thickest' people I've ever met - they have managed to pass all of their exams because they are good at remembering information and data..........ask them about dealing with reality and everyday situations and they are stumped!! ;) :LOL:
they do say that passing exams shows how good you are at passing exams.
Well, I'm not thick. 10 years ago I couldn't even spell fizzy-sist and now I are one. ;)

Thinking about it, I do know a couple of people who, whilst academically brilliant, are not exactly bright. Had a situation once where a throw-away joke between a colleague and myself resulted in another colleague of mine actually thinking I had been fired for eating mature cheddar at my desk. :eek: The poor chap was absolutely mortified, and as it turned out he didn't eat his lunch that day as he had cheese sandwiches.

All because of a comment in passing.
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