The Next General Election

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Drag Queens in schools entertaining the kids
And, I did say that there were reports that they were going into schools entertaining kids. I did not say they attended my granddaughters school. I would have been very vocal about it if they had, like I was on here back in June when she was subjected to gay pride month.
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That is a lie and is not what I said.
This is what I referred too.
You are a completely disineguine poster.
You made a comment about your grand-daughter school's being visited by drag queens.
You were quite outraged by it.
I remember asking you some questions to test the varacity of your anecdote.
I asked,
have you discussed it with the school?
What did her parens think about it?
Who is your local MP?

Your posted has disappeared, along with any other responding posts.

At first you cliamed ignorance about its disappearance. and you calmed innocence in its disappearance.
Now you are denying ever making that post.
see quotes below.

I can only imagine two possible reasons for its disappearance.
1. a mod decided your post was offensive somehow, possibly the inclusion of your grand-daughter in your conspiracy theories, or maybe the mods know from experiences that you're a liar, and no such occurence happened.

2. You realised your imagintive anecdote wouldn't stand the test of a simple search, so you asked for it to be deleted, along with all relevant responses.

Now, if the second rerason for the deletion off your post is accurate, that puts a mod in collusion with your lying trolling.
And that's exactly what your posts are, lies and trolling.
I suspect I wasn't the only person to see your "drag queen visits to your grand-daughter school" post.
Thus your persisitent lying shows many other posters the type of person your really are.

Now you're claiming that you were referring to the recent link from the Isle of Man that you posted.
That doesn't stand the siple test of "was it posted before?"
It absolutely wasn't, this i s the first time that you hacve posted that link, so you couldn't possibly have been referring to it before.
I would have noticed it related to the Isle of man, and commented on that. And my question about your local MP would have been pointless.

You now have a choice, come clean, and earn the respect of the forum, or double down and retain the distrust of the forum.

As for the mod who deleted your post, and was in effect in collusion with your lying trolling.......
It sugests that the forum will be a refuge for lying trolls.

What happened to your anecdote of your grand-daughter being entertained by drag queens at her infant school?

Good question. Some seem to have a 'guardian angel' looking over them, I'm not afforded such luxury.

Shame it went missing, it was another example of your hyper-active imagination.

I take your slurs with a pinch of salt. Whether the mod thinks it's appropriate we will see.
I've had the insufficient privileges ticket for much less.
You are a completely disineguine poster.
You made a comment about your grand-daughter school's being visited by drag queens.
You were quite outraged by it.
I remember asking you some questions to test the varacity of your anecdote.
I asked,
have you discussed it with the school?
What did her parens think about it?
Who is your local MP?

Your posted has disappeared, along with any other responding posts.

At first you cliamed ignorance about its disappearance. and you calmed innocence in its disappearance.
Now you are denying ever making that post.
see quotes below.

I can only imagine two possible reasons for its disappearance.
1. a mod decided your post was offensive somehow, possibly the inclusion of your grand-daughter in your conspiracy theories, or maybe the mods know from experiences that you're a liar, and no such occurence happened.

2. You realised your imagintive anecdote wouldn't stand the test of a simple search, so you asked for it to be deleted, along with all relevant responses.

Now, if the second rerason for the deletion off your post is accurate, that puts a mod in collusion with your lying trolling.
And that's exactly what your posts are, lies and trolling.
I suspect I wasn't the only person to see your "drag queen visits to your grand-daughter school" post.
Thus your persisitent lying shows many other posters the type of person your really are.

Now you're claiming that you were referring to the recent link from the Isle of Man that you posted.
That doesn't stand the siple test of "was it posted before?"
It absolutely wasn't, this i s the first time that you hacve posted that link, so you couldn't possibly have been referring to it before.
I would have noticed it related to the Isle of man, and commented on that. And my question about your local MP would have been pointless.

You now have a choice, come clean, and earn the respect of the forum, or double down and retain the distrust of the forum.

As for the mod who deleted your post, and was in effect in collusion with your lying trolling.......
It sugests that the forum will be a refuge for lying trolls.
All I can say after that load of horsesh*t himmy is you've gone off on one again and must be welcoming a ban again.
You not got mixed up again. I'm not asking for more of the same, I'm expecting more of the same.
Which is exactly what you will get if you don't change anything. A different Government will make differences. It even happened after Cameron, May, Johnson, Truss, Sunak. (Have I missed anybody?)

Why did you vote for Brexit ? To change ? Or to keep the same ?

It's not me that's mixed up.
I Carried out our yearly inspections in 5 primary schools last week , all to which the urinals have been decommissioned and boxed up . . The toilets were labeled boys and girls at the time ..... i bet they will read something much different when I go back next year. As if the world isn't fked enough !
I Carried out our yearly inspections in 5 primary schools last week , all to which the urinals have been decommissioned and boxed up . . The toilets were labeled boys and girls at the time ..... i bet they will read something much different when I go back next year. As if the world isn't fked enough !
Scare mongering
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