The Peoples Party

We seem to have arrived at a strange state of affairs where the electorate should no longer be given a choice. Should all candidates pretend to agree with what they think the majority will want?

If there was an election and the two candidates were Facist and Communist and the Fascist won, would the Communist candidate be derided for not being fascist enough?

Hartlepool was given a choice and the Conservative won. The others all lost. That's how it works.

Starmer: "We were ****e, and the people of this country don't want the ****e we're shovelling. We will get new ****e."

That parody of mine is not so far from the truth, but suicide for a polly. So they, "Need to listen more closely", to the people. They are too close to the Torys, but can never say so.
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Starmer: "We were ****e, and the people of this country don't want the ****e we're shovelling. We will get new ****e."

That parody of mine is not so far from the truth, but suicide for a polly. So they, "Need to listen more closely", to the people. They are too close to the Torys, but can never say so.

They can't be too close to the Tories if they are losing elections left right and centre.

They need to stop pandering to the self righteous London self proclaimed elite, just because they like art's in its many forms does not make them highly educated nor elite, and stop pandering to the minority groups who get offended by everything.

Their politics are evidently pointed towards the wrong groups of People.

It really shouldn't be that hard to out do the Tories and their shenanigans, but here we are...
So are you saying that it didn’t have any affect on the result then DJ?
I don't understand what Woke even means. What is it? Pandering to minority groups? Like Land owners, The Super Rich, House Builders?

Or is it pandering to minority cultures? Positive action? An over representation of non British culture ?
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We seem to have arrived at a strange state of affairs where the electorate should no longer be given a choice. Should all candidates pretend to agree with what they think the majority will want?

If there was an election and the two candidates were Facist and Communist and the Fascist won, would the Communist candidate be derided for not being fascist enough?

Hartlepool was given a choice and the Conservative won. The others all lost. That's how it works.

How do you answer this guy? He's upset at the cuts to the Courts, Police, Hospital all due to Austerity but he blames Labour.

A functioning democracy requires an informed electorate.

They still think the US election was stolen when every case was thrown out.
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How do you answer this guy? He's upset at the cuts to the Courts, Police, Hospital all due to Austerity but he blames Labour.

A functioning democracy requires an informed electorate.

when Tony Blair quit he knew the writing was on the wall for the economy, leaving Gordon Brown 3 years to lead the labour party, unfortunately in 2008 the UK financial crisis happened, and things went a bit pete tong.

Labours policies came under intense scrutiny, and many working class folke felt betrayed, and wanted something different. Enter the Conservative/liberal democrat era, people wanted change away from labour but wasnt to sure if the conservatives were the right party to back, hence the coalition.

The coalition did lib dems no favours whatso ever, they u-turned on all of their policies, leadership was weak against cameron. so next election people realised the lib dems were the nothing party they always have been,

then labour put forward Ed Miliband, who was seen by the public as a bit of a weirdo (Ed's brother was the one who should have led the party), and lost the election to cameron, Corbyn went far left and his appreciation of terrorist organisations just couldnt be removed from the limelight, and the party became more hardcore left wing

Corbyn entered the ring for labour, and was a crock of poop from the off, no clear set goals or agendas, always wishy washy and opinion changed with the wind as to which he felt the public wanted to hear. coupled with that moron Abbott at his side and a few other largely incompetent labour members who appear to have disdain for britain and its values and heritage, (remember the comment from Emma Thornbury regarding english george cross flags?).


brexit happened, cameron went, May stepped in, decided to have an election to give her longer in charge, but lost her majority and ballsed it all up meaning brexit took forever. in the meantime labour showed disdain for the general public and debates often ended with leftist screaming over the top of opposition

may was an incompetent disaster poor at negotiating, poor at managing her party, the opposition parties kept the UK in limbo for far longer than it needed to be, meaning UK investment was put on hold, affecting many peoples lives.

Labour continues it's disdain for the general public even though they have supposed started a new era in Starmer, the quote by a labour leader summed up there contempt for the joe public, by saying it was their voters that let them down.

throughout all of the above labour have consistently put unelectable muppets as the opposition meaning the general public feel they have no choice but to vote for tory, many people dont want to, myself included vote for tory, but the opposition have been far to weak, Starmer hasnt capitalised on the Tory shenanigans of the past year, he has spent most of the year hiding under a rock, with 1 or 2 excellent displays.

There is no doubt starmer can outwit BOJO so why has he not done so more often?

Starmers team aren't dynamic, nor interesting to listen to, and seem to discount what their constituents are telling them.

So yes it is labours fault. It's labours fault for not doing more to avoid the banking collapse, and it's labours fault for not fielding better opossition.
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How do you answer this guy? He's upset at the cuts to the Courts, Police, Hospital all due to Austerity but he blames Labour.
Ok. So, he is too thick to have a vote and he is not alone.

To also answer your other question it is 'woke' (current meaning) to believe I should not say that nor be allowed to say that.

A functioning democracy requires an informed electorate.
When was that ever the case?

They still think the US election was stolen when every case was thrown out.
Proves my point - unless it was stolen.
The Brexit referendum was 5 years ago. Brexit has happened, or at least, is happening. The nation, including politicians was about 50/50 split.
No, the Tories were roughly 50/50; there were only ten Labour MPs in favour of Brexit before the referendum.

So based on your comment, half of all politicians and candidates should just quit, because they didn't support it? What difference does it make if a candidate voted against Brexit 5 years ago?
Yes, remain MPs. in leave constituencies should have resigned as they could no longer honestly represent their constituents.
Yes, remain MPs. in leave constituencies should have resigned as they could no longer honestly represent their constituents.

That is a pretty crazy view IMO. Most MPs wish to represent the people and many will work to do so, and even change their opinions to ensure they can do what is best for people in the future.

Plus, if that is the case, then we must insist that every MP who voted to Leave but is in an area that voted to remain should also resign.

Almost the same number of Tory and Labour contingencies voted to remain - 80 and 84. So that's 80 Tory MPs that also don't represent their people.

That's about 25% of all constituencies - so we should see 1 in 4 elected representatives step down, just because they did not vote the same way as the people?

This isn't democracy, this is how dictatorships work!
That is a pretty crazy view IMO. Most MPs wish to represent the people and many will work to do so, and even change their opinions to ensure they can do what is best for people in the future.
Exactly, so remain MPs - those who believe it is best for the country to remain in the EU - should not alter that belief and do what they believe is bad for the country.

Plus, if that is the case, then we must insist that every MP who voted to Leave but is in an area that voted to remain should also resign.
So you believe that MPs should do what they believe is bad for the country - either way round.

Almost the same number of Tory and Labour contingencies voted to remain - 80 and 84. So that's 80 Tory MPs that also don't represent their people.
I don't know. Perhaps they were eighty of the remain Tory MPs.

That's about 25% of all constituencies - so we should see 1 in 4 elected representatives step down, just because they did not vote the same way as the people?
Had they any principles then they would do.
They are representatives; not delegates.
It appears you do not know what represent means.

This isn't democracy, this is how dictatorships work!
Far from it. It would be more democratic.

That is presumably why a remain candidate did not win in Hartlepool. So be it.
He did not pretend to be a brexitter just to get elected.
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That is a pretty crazy view IMO. Most MPs wish to represent the people and many will work to do so, and even change their opinions to ensure they can do what is best for people in the future.

Plus, if that is the case, then we must insist that every MP who voted to Leave but is in an area that voted to remain should also resign.

Almost the same number of Tory and Labour contingencies voted to remain - 80 and 84. So that's 80 Tory MPs that also don't represent their people.

That's about 25% of all constituencies - so we should see 1 in 4 elected representatives step down, just because they did not vote the same way as the people?

This isn't democracy, this is how dictatorships work!

those who wished to remain fillibusted for 4 years and done all they could against the will of their constituants.

had those mp's said ok fair enough this is what my public wants i will be guided by the people and diregard my personal preference, we would have been in a much different position by now.
had those mp's said ok fair enough this is what my public wants i will be guided by the people and diregard my personal preference, we would have been in a much different position by now.

should Rees-Mogg and Johnson have voted in Parliament in favour of Brexit, then?
should Rees-Mogg and Johnson have voted in Parliament in favour of Brexit, then?

if thats what their constituants wanted, or remain if they wanted, but the reason brexit is so damning now is because the political class suddenly turned into a playground full of 5 year olds, had they have worked together for a common goal we may have either left on better terms, or ended up remaining with better terms, either way we would have got there a darn sight quicker.
They didn't want to stand together from day 1, ie before the referendum, and they certainly weren't going to stand together after.

Probably with saying they don't support their constituents is that not everybody voted. 70% of those that voted may have voted leave, but that still means that less than 50% of the constituents actually support it. MPs have to represent all their constituents, those that voted in line with the country, those that voted a different way, or just those that abstained.
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