The Scottish

That's great. What happens when they boo a decision during the game?
Some people are intelligent enough to be able to tell the difference between that and booing players before the game has started.

It is now clear that not everyone is.

The interesting thing would be what would happen if a player took the knee after scoring.
Since play would be continuing, I imagine he or she would end up getting an earful from the captain for kneeling down when they should have been playing.
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I'm happy they are still kneeling, When doing it behind closed doors, they did so in their own little bubble.. Now that the is crowds........ crowds will boo and eventually the kneeling will fizzle out because the boos won't

bodd likes the idea of national fans booing their national team at a national match.

bodd is an idiot.
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booing your national team in a national stadium is a great idea

if you're an idiot, like bodd.
JohnD likes the idea of a national team at a national match (what else would it be?) being allowed to do whatever they want and the fans not allowed to comment.

it is unlikely that any fan would be prosecuted for bad behaviour, though they might very rarely be escorted off the premises, and they would sometimes be criticised by other fans of differing opinion.

What is the usual penalty for a fan who throws a banana to a black player, and makes gibbering monkey noises at him?
I recall a friendly that the England team played in Spain

England were booed and harangued through out the match by the Spanish
Because they had black players on the pitch

then again Spain does have a history of racist chants in sport

Lewis Hamilton suffered similar behaviour at the Spanish Grand Prix a few years back

mind you it is was Spain

yes exactly
Perhaps teams should not be booed by their fans.

seems like the most reasonable option to me.

Not to bodd or efl, though, it seems.
Perhaps teams should not be booed by their fans.

seems like the most reasonable option to me.

Not to bodd or efl, though, it seems.

Doubt that the North Koreans boo at home football matches

doubt they do in Iran either ?
Mind you woman are not allowed into a football match ? Due to morality laws
then again Spain does have a history of racist chants in sport

Not just England, then.

sample quote for tranny

"English football bodies under pressure over racist chanting

UK government monitoring game’s response after Chelsea player is targeted

"...A spokesperson for Boris Johnson, the prime minister, said on Monday that the government would monitor efforts being made by the game’s authorities, such as the Football Association (FA) and Premier League, in combating the problem but that “we don’t rule out taking further steps if required”. The warning came after the Professional Footballers Association (PFA), a body that represents players in England’s top divisions, called for a “government inquiry into racism and the rise in hate crime within football”."
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