The Seven Pillars of Wi$dom

28 Jun 2005
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United Kingdom
1.write a book about a young wizard.......2-7write some more :LOL:
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JOHNBOY42 said:
:LOL: Seven pillars of wisdom.......a book by "Lawrence of Arabia" who was a hero....and made some £££ out of the you can make £500+ Million out of a glorified "William" or "Jennings" series :rolleyes:
JKR Is from a normal family background, no 'silver spoon' and sadly no mum to proudly watch her now or for some considerable time... the girl does well.
Good luck to her I say, better to bring excitement and harmless fun to millions of kids, than death and destruction...
"Harry Potter and the Seven Pillars of Wisdom"? Hmmm sounds like another £10,000,000 in the bank. :)
techwondo said:
corgiman said:
JK Rowling


What a woman

I would

TWICE (probably)

Where can you find a bag big enough to go over her head?

I'm with Corgiman on this one Tech, definitely has something way beyond the gazillions in the bank. JK get's it, sans doubt.
Apparently she had about £545 million back in April so that doesn't include the new book/movie. :eek:
Ah but does she put out on a first date? ;)
7th and last one released tonight :rolleyes: .........should gross another few shillings..........with all the film rights wealth should be £700M....knocks Sir Paul into a cocked hat :LOL:
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