Ellal, according to government figures published last year, there are an estimated 850,000 people in the country illegally and these people cost the nation an estimated £30 Billion annually in lost taxation revenue, medical costs, insurance related costs and those associated with the investigation of the crimes they are involved in. Remember, if they are here illegally, any work they do is a crime or has a crminal element to it. Police Intelligence and other Security Service Intelligence units have estimated that up to 70% of crime in the Uk is a direct result of the illegal immigrants in the nation, and that 90% of human traffiking and drug movements are as a direct result of this section of society.
Imagine what £30 Billion could do for the NHS or even education EACH YEAR!!
David Blunket developed the idea of ID cards, but went way too far with the idea when he tried to introduce them with Biometric technology. It is costly, unproven and a bloody mine field of problems that spiralled the costs each time an estimate was made, eventually killing the whole project.
Was this the right decision for the nation? NO is the simple answer. Estimates of the Biometric cards would be £12 Billion to introduce, a massive sum of money, and the Government intended to charge the population for this, however the money was OURS in the first place?
What the Government should seriously consider is a new system of ID card that also incorporates a persons driving license, has a scanned photograph on it and personal data in a chip, including a password known only to the card and the owner of the card, perhaps a 4 digit pin as with chip and pin cards.
Yes it would cost money to introduce, and it should be issued to the nation free, as we all pay tax. Further, every Police vehicle should have a computer installed with a bar code reader and pin machine, so that they are able to check ID's against a Database that would be updated at the end of each shift, including an upload too of the checks performed by each unit each shift' thus giving the Government valuable data on whether Officers are unduly stopping certain sections of the community as it should be a requirement that every time Officers stop someone they have their ID checked.
Then we should have legislation to make it a statutory requirement that every person carry this ID card on them, this would have a built in time limit when the legislation would expire, say 5 years after all ID cards had been issued. Further this would not be able to be extended without a referendum by the entire nation.
Then the Police, Immigration, Customs and other Security service Officers should be under instructions to check ID's randomly, setup check points at train stations, coach stations, bus stations, Cinema's etc, including roadside checks.
Failure to provide your ID should be an £80 fine, those who are here illegally could then be rounded up for deportation. Any person found harbouring an Illegal immigrant should face a minimum of 5 years jail (no parole). Any person attempting to provide or actually providing a false ID should be imprisoned for a minimum of 10 years (no parole). Any person who allows another person to use their ID for any reason should be liable to a fine of not less than £5000 or face up to 5 years imprisonment at the discretion of the judge. Any person that is knowingly employing an Illegal immigrant must face a minimum of £50,000 fine and 7.5 years imprisonment.
Yes the damned liberal rights book bashers will have a fit at this action, but we have a right to defend our nation, this is a war. Those here illegally are, according to official information, almost certainly to be involved in crime, ranging from tax evation to people trafficking and terrorism. They are here illegally, so they cannot work legally, even if an employer dedcucts tax and NI from them, they will pocket it as they cannot declare it to the authorities.
Lets face facts, this would cost billions to implement, but it would also pay for itself in no time.
Further, many crimes of fraud would prove difficult or impossible to perform. Chip and Pin has helped, but if you have to show your ID everytime you use a Credit/Debit or other payment card, then this type of fraud can be knocked on the head. A unique code for the ID card could be registered with credit card companies, banks and online payment systems, without this along with payment card details would render the sale void, thus helping to reduce online fraud. This system could be part funded by the Banks, online payment organisations and interested parties as they all stand to benefit from a reduction in fraud and thus lowering costs.
Would this be easy to implement, of course not, it would be a mine field, but it should be done, the things that pay the biggest rewards are never easy, and they can be painful, but it is in the interest of every person in this country and the nation as a whole. Most foriegn nationals here legally would likely agree, most have ID cards from their mother country and do not have an issue with carrying one, and it could actually make the process of entering the country more streamlined for the genuine as more resources could be made available as less is needed to investigate the illegals.
I do not expect the liberals in this nation to be happy with this notion, but as I said, this is a war, and one that is actually costing this nation more than the conflict in Afghanistan and Iraq combined. If you want to continue paying about £500 a year for illegals in this nation then so be it, personally I would rather the money spent on health and education.