The 'War' is Over....... Arise Sir Nigel!

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The CEO of Tesco says no changes in pricing
A wee bit ambiguous. Does that indicate no changes means they'll continue to rise? Or does no changes mean till the end of the year? Or does no changes mean at least until tariff increases can't be absorbed by bulk buying? Or does no changes mean that prices will stay the same until current agreement contracts expire?

The CEO of Tesco has a vested interest to state that their prices will remain competitive. Cherry picking info is dangerous, gullible Red Bus Brexers take note.

Get Brexit Done, lol.
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Mottie doesn't care.
I told you I do. I care about you driving from Scotland to East London "a hundred times a year" just to visit friends and family. I’m worried you’ll lose your job because you’re on the road so much.
You're using the word "done" to mean "started but not finished."
It started on Jan 31st and it will be truly finished at 11pm on Dec 31st. BRitain will have EXITed the European Union. That’s what I voted for, that’s what I’m getting. Nothing else. All the other **** will sort itself out eventually. Don’t worry your pretty little head over it as nothing you say will have any effect whatsoever. If you Scots want to leave us and join them, let England vote on it and you’ll get your wish. :sneaky:
There’s one particular member on here who doesn’t care whether you voted to stay or leave. He just likes typing the words 'old' and 'man' and he just hates all of them. Maybe he is even an 'old man' and hates himself but we'll never know because he won’t let on what his first name is, what he does for a living or even what county he lives in let alone post a photo of himself. Claims to know absolutely everything about absolutely everything. A true legend in his own lunchtime.
Why do you want to know, you creepy old man...

Oh, and btw. Do you get the permission of your family members every time you post a photo of them online?
Why do you want to know, you creepy old man...

Wow, do you see yourself as that person? :LOL: I was referring to someone else but yeah, I can see the similarity to you too now you mention it. How old did you say you were? I bet you’re older than me, old man.

First name, general location, occupation (more so on a diy forum) and photo etc goes a long way toward proving to be a genuine human forum member as opposed to an anonymous troll.
View attachment 216123E The CEO of Tesco says no changes in pricing , mmm who should I believe?
The CEO does not say that.

He says price rises will be modest.....but Tesco can afford to employ teams of customs admin to sort it out.

Price rises will be inevitable for small businesses as they don't have scales of economy, they will need to use customs agents.
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