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Moron - its got nothing to do with jet plumes - is about heat islands
Something else the BBC will not tell you
When combined with the heat released by vehicle engines, paved areas can boost the temperature in cities by as much as 22°F, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.
Heat islands are urbanized areas that experience higher temperatures than outlying areas. Structures such as buildings, roads, and other infrastructure absorb and re-emit the sun’s heat more than natural landscapes such as forests and water bodies. Urban areas, where these structures are highly concentrated and greenery is limited, become “islands” of higher temperatures relative to outlying areas. Daytime temperatures in urban areas are about 1–7°F higher than temperatures in outlying areas and nighttime temperatures are about 2-5°F higher. Find more information on the Learn About Heat Islands page.
What do you say when almost all climate change scientists agree that man made climate change is happening?
Yes they do - all the ones that rely on the narrative that will a keep a roof over their head and Gov money in their pocket --- money that is taken out of your pocket that is removed under the guise of a climate change tax / environmental tax/ emissions tax/ carbon pricing / green tax/ carbon tax/ Climate Change Levy / need I go on. Why are you siding with the conservative government that you hate so much -- a useful idiot maybe.
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Do you accept the basic science as to how greenhouse gases trap heat?
Do you accept the basic science that all climate scientist who earn their money from governments who gain taxes from climate disaster all agree.
Do you accept the basic science that all climate scientist who earn their money from governments who gain taxes from climate disaster all agree.

The science I refer to was developed by physicists. Do you accept it?
Who were they being paid by?

"Science" is no longer what it once was unfortunately...

On 18 May 1859, the Irish physicist John Tyndall wrote in his journal ‘the subject is completely in my hands’. This is no cryptic note. Just nine days earlier he had set up his complex and clever new apparatus at the Royal Institution in London to try to detect the absorption of heat by gases. Now, he had done it. And as far as he knew, no-one had done it before him.
The scientific community has been completely corrupted by money and dogma.
JonathanM, no-one is arguing about what a greenhouse gas is, no-one is trying to claim they don't exist...
Dougal and Jonathan are both melts. Not worth wasting your time on them, lads. Enjoy life, produce CO2, make your mark, have fun, do your thing - and leave these anxious Walts to worry over nothing. They don't have original thoughts, they just repeat what they're told by the media and don't realise they're being conned by grifters living the high life and going about in private jets and limos.

Being pulled down into their gloomy, depressing and pathetic world is tragic. That's the lesson I've come away with having attempted to engage with them. Dougal is especially grim. Jonathan might be alright with some coaching, but Dougal is a lost cause.

But I am NOT accepting that they are all the result of air travel or cars!

It is complicated. Without greenhouse gases the earth would be a ball of ice. The argument is that the extra CO2 we have produced has added an additional warming effect which has affected the natural balance.
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