This board is...

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This is one of the forums I click on occasionally to see if there's anything of interest...I use two others on which I post regularly and stay on them,I guess because I've made friends on there and join in the innoffensive banter.
They have named moderators and admin that post and hand out rollockings when things get least you know where you are with them.
There's no mysterious bannings or disappearances...the mouthy types get plenty of warning.

Mystery moderators don't make for a busy forum...posters like to see
things decided out in the open not behind closed doors.

I've noticed on one or two threads certain folks slag off people they disagree with...there's no need for it in an open debate.Make your point but don't get crabby when somebody thinks differently.
I got banned from posting on this topic several times last night so did Ima and I must say it felt quite good. Like part of the crew on a sinking ship plugging all the holes. I sent them a message but I shalln't be holding my breath. :(

Snap, and if Joe is a mod then so what. (IMMI's post).

Mr W.

if Joe's a mod???? then he's a scumbag for not treating the role with respect.... Joe gets on the good side of some people, but acts like an arris for others... as he's a mod, he should have a levelled response to all people. A mod's real persona shouldn't be one of the extremes, and Joe is !
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