I was looking back at a couple of your posts interacting with Blightymam. It would appear that your memory is defective.
You have convinced yourself that something occurred, maybe because you hoped it had.

You said that Himagain was not banned, but had resigned, and returned as me. I had explained that I had resigned as 'NotSoSure' and returned as me. Which you had obviously misinterpreted. As shown below:
View attachment 125767
I had explained that I had resigned as 'NotSoSure' because of offence from another poster. Then Blightymam put you right, which you acknowledged. As shown below:
View attachment 125768
In your recent post, you suggested that Judith or Blightymam would confirm your assertion.
Well we know that Judith cannot be trusted to tell the truth.
I also realise now that Blightymam has resigned, (mid-August, I would guess, after being embarrassed by Hawkeye's courgettes

) as I suspect you would have been well aware of when you made your comment. Your repeated false accusation came about 24th August, shortly after Blightymam had resigned.

I am pretty sure she would have said her farewells to her closest friends.
However, had she still been here she would not have confirmed your version of events, having already disputed it once!
So, as for being on the list of liars, it suits you well, having discussed this subject before with Blightymam, and having been corrected, you chose to make the same, silly accusation again, knowing full well that it was an incorrect accusation!
The only other explanation is your "false memory".
However, coming so soon after Blightymam had resigned, that is in doubt and your real motives appear more prominent.
As the newest member to the list of liars, (or to those suffering from "false memory") stand up and take a bow.
I wonder if Blightymam will return, and under what name. Or maybe she is already with us.

I recall that several other posters have been accused of being Himagain, and some of having multiple usernames. It is that conspiracy theory again.