This poor refugee has come for a better life.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 294929
  • Start date
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If it stops the criminal element its a step in the right direction.

We can always carry on as we are of course.

Just because things are illegal it doesn't stop them happening

Let's make carrying knifes legal.

Fingers crossed.
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"The Iranian refugee has three months to comply with the confiscation order sought by the force's Economic Crime Unit."

It's not hard to find if you put your reading head on.
Regardless of if he is a refugee or not, he has escaped the misery of Iran to heap misery on families and communities in this country.
Facts matter

You created a thread about refugees but the story you referred to is not a refugee.
It seems that foreign drug dealers have been Decriminalised so, why would you not Decriminalise the drugs they bring into the country.

They've put the cart before the horse. Instead of decriminalising shoplifting, where a significant percentage of the proceeds will go towards feeding drug habits, just decriminalise the drugs and supply them free. Cut out the middle man and a heck of a lot of crime.
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Let's make carrying knifes legal.

Fingers crossed.
How do you get to that?

Just conflating things to make an argument?

Let's just carry on as we are, and keep highlighting when a criminal is apprehended. It doesn't happen enough for my liking.
Facts matter

You created a thread about refugees but the story you referred to is not a refugee.
Would placing the word 'ex' or 'former' in front of the word refugee to describe those that come to this country and commit criminal acts make you feel any better about the facts of the description?
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Why do you think its OK to defend foreign scum, just because we have our own scum.

Isn't it very simple. If we have immigration, some of the immigrants are going to have criminal tendencies. The logical extension would be to ban
people from having children, because some of them will turn out to be criminals. So, I suppose the bigger question is, why do you want to ban people from having children?
Man made climate change is not real it is the result of a natural progression of the earth cooling and warming up over a period of thousands of years.
, and they were not welcome back home where they were a menace and likely to be severely punished. I've no doubt some governments are sending their scum over to Europe the way Castro did with his prison population to the States in the 70s.

Often thought that these refugees migrants claim to be victimised/oppressed in their own countries. Maybe there's a reason for them being pariahs.
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