thoughts are the rocks of time

26 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
the rock has made a ripple which is on its way to make a wave which will in time engulf us all

who threw the rock is of little consequence all that matters is it is on the move

i am going away for a little while ( no not jail )

cyall in 2 weeks
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thats very deep for you my lil friend ,btw is it a BNP rally

maybe so19 need their shoot-to-kill-darkies squad commander back ....
I did see you as the Commander Beech in that fly-on-wall BBC series ...
"Operation Good Guys "

only kidding mate ... have a good break in Afghanistan dont come back with silly ideas ...

have a good break mucker
bnp ? OH the one the muslim wanna ban ? wonder why could be the only party that really knows there hidden agendas ? no sorry cant be as we all know them now as they are openly touting there england as islamic state bs

better dead than a muslim state for me bring it on
Well Slogger, for once you've got it cracked.

MI5 are sitting around with their hands in their pockets and trying to think of something to do.

All the while the BNP, those well known masters of intelligence and reasoned thinking, have infiltrated the madrassas, placed moles in the Mosques and have the house of every follower of Islam bugged. They know everything that goes down, and they know that every single follower of Mohamed is evil and wants to kill you and take away your freedom.

If the BNP don't save us it will be 9/11 times a million... That's right... 911,000,000 :eek:
AdamW said:
Well Slogger, for once you've got it cracked.

MI5 are sitting around with their hands in their pockets and trying to think of something to do.

All the while the BNP, those well known masters of intelligence and reasoned thinking, have infiltrated the madrassas, placed moles in the Mosques and have the house of every follower of Islam bugged. They know everything that goes down, and they know that every single follower of Mohamed is evil and wants to kill you and take away your freedom.

If the BNP don't save us it will be 9/11 times a million... That's right... 911,000,000 :eek:

u got to be an islamic supporter ? or why else would u spout so much pap

bnp and a number of people in the past ( enoch powell ) have said it already we are under THREAT like it or not islam is after us if you cant see that then you either one of them ( shame ) or your stupid ? or both :eek:
And as much as Slogger does you head in, he has a point cause in a way old Enoch Powell has been proved correct
Freddie said:
And as much as Slogger does you head in, he has a point cause in a way old Enoch Powell has been proved correct

? WTF IS THIS is it not pc sir to support what i say i ****ing hope not as i am as far away from pc as i can get without being arrested and that is only a matter of time :D
You're looking at this from the wrong side: I'm not an islam supporter. I neither like nor dislike the religion. It's a religion, some people follow it, world keeps on spinning.

However, you are an islamophobe. I think it is safe to say that you hate islam.

Like it or not, the BNP is mostly (although not entirely) made up of people who are a bit stupid. Every now and again they get more than the slightest of support because they will make a valid point. But then they get carried away and start with the fascism, and most people think "f**k this, I just wanted to stop immigration, no-one said anything about burning crosses!"

Take for example Phil Edwards, press officer of the BNP. He starts off with something that could further the cause of his party...

Phil Edwards... branded Mr Howard's allegation that the BNP promoted bigotry and hatred as "complete nonsense".

But then he realises that sounds far too reasonable, and almost intelligent so finishes with

He branded the Tory leader an "alien" before adding: "There are too many people of immigrant stock telling us what to do in this country."

slamophobic and proud to be called it even go so far as to say i am racist if that means i would **** any muslim coming into this country that wont hang there evil religion up

times are a changing whos side are you going to be on when it happens
You would **** any muslim? I thought you didn't like them, yet you are prepared to swing both ways? :eek:

times are a changing whos side are you going to be on when it happens

Sounds like a Bob Dylan lyric :LOL: All you need to do is get your dentist to inject your mouth with some novocaine and you'll even sound like him too.
AdamW said:
You would **** any muslim? I thought you didn't like them, yet you are prepared to swing both ways? :eek:

times are a changing whos side are you going to be on when it happens

Sounds like a Bob Dylan lyric :LOL: All you need to do is get your dentist to inject your mouth with some novocaine and you'll even sound like him too.

Then Van Morrisson must drink gallons of the stuff. :)
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