THUGS beat up the police

baldy01 said:
So you are saying that the people whom the majority elect to represent them should then turn around and tell that majority whats right and whats wrong?
Yes, if they have been elected because of their expertise.

Thats not a democracy then, its an elected oligarchy
No that's the difference between electing representatives and delegates.
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baldy01 said:
I absolutely agree. So can we finally agree that your moral outrage as regularly directed at others on this board is in fact your personal opinion and not based on logic or fact?
It is sometimes based on fact and logic, but those who are immoral will often say "yes that may be the fact but I don't care".

But in general to answer your question, how could it ever have been otherwise? If, for example, somebody believes it is right to torture another person, and their position is not based on fact, but just a belief that it is right, how can you argue against them?

How can you tell them anything except that they are immoral?
That assumes that they agree with your interpretation of the facts and your application of logic. Logic can be used to prove whatever you like by inputting the facts you chose - Gigo's law.

If you are accurate in your assesment of the facts and if have properly applied logic and if you explain said argument with evidence regarding your facts and said person continues to do what they do then you are entitled to say that they are immoral _in your opinion_. There's a lot of ifs there which should temper you're attitude of absolute certainty a little.

However all you have really done is called them a name. You haven't advanced your argument at all and you may be overlooking the fact that they have facts that you don't or that they interpret those facts differently.

Ultimately if morals are mostly a matter of personal opinion, as you have admitted, then the only way you will swing people to your point of view is through debate. Do you really think name-calling is going to help?

Note that during this discussion I have made assertions about things that you DO, I have made no asssertions about what you ARE.

This is an important distinction to make when trying to explain your views to people without alienating them right off the bat.
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I believe strongly that you are what you are

the rest of your abuse has been edited
i have try'd to cut you some slack BAS

MOD 2 said:
the rest of your abuse has been edited
i have try'd to cut you some slack BAS

I didn't abuse anybody.


you did and you will not again as long as i have got my beady eye on this forum

have opinions to your hearts content
I believe strongly that you are what you do, and that you do what you are

And I would always defend your right to hold that belief. In fact I agree with it, though maybe from a less absolutist standpoint than you.

I read the second response before it got modded, and I'm not sure how to interpret it. I'm afraid it looked to me like you were saying that anyone who doesn't accept your arguments is ultimately worthless and not worthy of your further consideration.

I think this is a shame as it, along with the (fat chance) comment in another thread, leads me to beleive that you truly are not capable of changing your point of view on anything. Its a waste of a clearly intelligent mind.

Is it possible that I got close to actually threating the absolute beleif you have in your own rightness and you panicked at the last moment and resorted to vulgarity to get the thread deleted?
I have just wasted my time reading ALL this thread to see you openly goading a guy here an failed horribly an sent packing with a smacked arse .......1/10 for effort
baldy01 said:
Is it possible that I got close to actually threating the absolute beleif you have in your own rightness and you panicked at the last moment and resorted to vulgarity to get the thread deleted?
The sad thing is that it's not merely possible, but a near certainty.
baldy01 said:
I believe strongly that you are what you do, and that you do what you are

And I would always defend your right to hold that belief. In fact I agree with it, though maybe from a less absolutist standpoint than you.
IRL it is easy to detect subtle nuances in people. Here it's not, and if someone repeatedly says they want to pluck the eyes out of muggers, and respond to every challenge to that opinion with affirmation, and clearly not a devil's advocate approach, there is nothing left but to classify them as an irredeemably violent monster.

I read the second response before it got modded, and I'm not sure how to interpret it. I'm afraid it looked to me like you were saying that anyone who doesn't accept your arguments is ultimately worthless and not worthy of your further consideration.
No, not anyone, but there are people here who have shown themselves to hold such disgusting views, and have repeatedly shown that they are not open to discussion that there is no point trying to argue with them. Maybe I should have said (and as an aside to the mods - this is not a label I am applying to anybody in an abusive style) "you don't debate the age of consent with a paedophile".

I think this is a shame as it, along with the (fat chance) comment in another thread, leads me to beleive that you truly are not capable of changing your point of view on anything. Its a waste of a clearly intelligent mind.
That comment alluded to one particular individual, with whom a number of others here have the same problem I do, or at least did until I decided to ignore him completely.

Is it possible that I got close to actually threating the absolute beleif you have in your own rightness and you panicked at the last moment and resorted to vulgarity to get the thread deleted?
No - that's not what happened.
What was the theme of this thread again??????????????? :rolleyes:

Ano9ther good thread Hijacked..another pile of crap written
Would you please tell me who I abused?

oh here we go again. i didnt do anything wrong, im not in the wrong, the mods have got it in for me.....yawn
Thermo said:
the mods have got it in for me.....

Infamy, infamy...

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