Tile vent compatibility

22 Oct 2014
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United Kingdom
Hi All,

I'm looking to buy a couple of tile vents and I'm not sure what to buy to suit my existing tiles which I believe are "bridgwater" double romans like these: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/ZYkAAOSwEy5kZhXJ/s-l1600.jpg

Does anyone know if any double roman tile vent would be suitable such as this: https://www.roofgiant.com/tile-vents/profile-line-double-roman/ or would I need to buy something that's specifically "bridgwater" compatible?

Also does it matter if the ducting that will lead to the vent tile takes a short vertical run i.e 2-3ft ?

Many Thanks
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Hi All,

I'm looking to buy a couple of tile vents and I'm not sure what to buy to suit my existing tiles which I believe are "bridgwater" double romans like these: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/ZYkAAOSwEy5kZhXJ/s-l1600.jpg

Does anyone know if any double roman tile vent would be suitable such as this: https://www.roofgiant.com/tile-vents/profile-line-double-roman/ or would I need to buy something that's specifically "bridgwater" compatible?

Also does it matter if the ducting that will lead to the vent tile takes a short vertical run i.e 2-3ft ?

Many Thanks
We just fashion our own vents using a pitched multi-slate, some black pipe and mushroom cowl etc.....

Thanks noseall,

Interesting to see how you normally go about it, but I was hoping for answers specific to the questions that I asked about tile vent products that I can buy, and if any double roman tile vent will do the trick. I'm assuming the way the tiles interlock is different so guessing that I'd need a product that was designed for my type of tiles?

I was also concerned if having a short vertical run of ducting would cause any trouble with condensation running down inside. I heard it was normally better to have the ducting led horizontally over the joists / insulation to prevent this, but the position that I'm going to be installing the vents does not allow this.

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