to moderator

27 Aug 2003
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Just what is your problem?

Nobody agrees with you, but you just can't bear to admit that you are wrong, can you?

So now you've started wholesale deletion of entire threads in order to remove the criticism you are receiving.

That stinks.
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It would be good if their side of the story were given here. I too have found it odd that stuff has disappeared into the ether.


FWIW i agree i can only say it's not me
mod: when you reply why do you add it to the bottom of a post? just means that when someone asks a question it doesnt look like its had a reply, even tho they have?

EDIT: trust me to click edit instead or reply, and wipe the original post...


:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: all been there ;)
andrew2022 said:
mod: when you reply why do you add it to the bottom of a post? just means that when someone asks a question it doesnt look like its had a reply, even tho they have?

EDIT: trust me to click edit instead or reply, and wipe the original post...

I understand what you are saying, but in most cases is is better to add to the existing post, because that is what is called for.

For example if some one posts after they just posted, and did not use the edit button (as they should) as a moderator you have to copy the "wrong post" go to the "right post" press and hold the + button (to make a line of ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++), paste in the "wrong post" then write a note such as

please note 10a which is here

Then you have to go back to the "wrong post" and delete it

if you delete a "wrong post" after you have copied it, you may loose the copy (i have done this, much to my horror) so you then have to post an apology

Being a moderator is a thankless task, like you we do not get paid for it, and it is also why on some forums, moderators will press the delete button, because it is quicker, but that is not what we do here on diynot.

Like wise when a post is deleted you can not leave a note since there is no where to leave the note, since the post no longer exists.

When some one has a post deleted all they can do is to whinge about it, but if the rules where adhered to, the post would not be deleted.

Sometimes we just edit posts, but if a post breaks all the rules it is better to delete it, since it is of no use to the forum, and as for trying to bypass the swear filter, lets just say there is something in the pipe line to ban people who try it

In short it is not easy being a moderator
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moderator said:
if the rules where adhered to, the post would not be deleted.
When you deleted the entire thread about wot I am complaining, along with it you deleted posts which had broken no rules.

Sometimes we just edit posts, but if a post breaks all the rules it is better to delete it, since it is of no use to the forum,
The issue at stake here is posts which are of use to the forum which are being deleted because of a braindead interpretation on the rule on advertising, and more to the point the issue of moderator powers being abused to stifle criticism and dissent.
ban-all-sheds said:
Nobody agrees with you

yes they do

andrew2022 said:
i know advertising is not allowed

i am sorry you do not agree with my decision, if you don't like it compain to admin, dont post, or leave. (I really would not want you to leave since 99% of your posts are very helpful, its only since you started to post links to auction sites i have deleted said posts)
my ebay thread which was for a little entertainment went pretty quick...

EDIT: maybe not... jsut renamed
right domestic this int it?

Think i also just found the reason for andrews signature: he's taking the ****! ;)
ban-all-sheds said:
Nobody agrees with you

moderator said:
yes they do

no, they do NOT

and what other sites delete posts because its easyer?

most DONT, most have a decent moderation service, and most that have had complaints act on them

this forum dosnt do sod all about anything!

hopefully admin will do something

as for it being a thankless task, you just suggested to andrew to leave if he dosnt like it so why don't you take some of your own advice, you cant use not being paid as an excuse, if you dont like it, dont do it ffs

as for it being a thankless task, yes, your right,take your thank you as people not complaining in their droves, if people keep complaining then your doing it wrong! and this isnt 1 or two people! and this isnt by newbies, this is by long term contributers.

P.S. just in case your too dim to realise, those are the ones to keep, they are the ones keeping the site ticking over! if they wernt here no advice would be offered= no good site.

your site is going downhill, you have to turn this arround.
mmmmm a bit heated then ;)

ok we all have our own ideas as to what is the perfect forum !!!!

or the perfect answer to a problem ;)

what ever happens we are all human we all make mistakes we all do our best
the truth is we cant please every one and if we make a mistake then come clean is always the answer
but reveiwing and correcting the mistake must be well reasoned no sudden measures no knee jerk reactions

when i say we i or you its just a generalition i am a mod not on this good forum and these are just my observations
supersparks said:
ban-all-sheds said:
Nobody agrees with you

moderator said:
yes they do

no, they do NOT

and what other sites delete posts because its easyer?

most DONT, most have a decent moderation service, and most that have had complaints act on them

this forum dosnt do s** all about anything!

hopefully admin will do something

as for it being a thankless task, you just suggested to andrew to leave if he dosnt like it so why don't you take some of your own advice, you cant use not being paid as an excuse, if you dont like it, dont do it ffs

as for it being a thankless task, yes, your right,take your thank you as people not complaining in their droves, if people keep complaining then your doing it wrong! and this isnt 1 or two people! and this isnt by newbies, this is by long term contributers.

P.S. just in case your too dim to realise, those are the ones to keep, they are the ones keeping the site ticking over! if they wernt here no advice would be offered= no good site.

your site is going downhill, you have to turn this arround.

Actually the post was directed at ban-all-sheds, since he was the one who advertised items on an auction site, he then started whinging when i deleted the post.
I only quoted andrew2022 because he pointed out that advertising is not allowed.
I am sorry if you misunderstood.

As for the site "going down hill" i agree entirely, i only enforce the rules that are there for all to see.

those who whinge only usually do so because they do not agree with something that i have done.

regarding your comment "most DONT, most have a decent moderation service" that is only your opinion, you haven’t seen the post from another site that i have (from a moderator)

it basically says its easier to press the delete button than to edit a post, when posts are edited / suspended we always leave a note as to why.

Admin will be posting the comment (so i am not going to) along with some other suggestions for this forum
moderator said:
Actually the post was directed at ban-all-sheds, since he was the one who advertised items on an auction site, he then started whinging when i deleted the post.
There you go again - as well as wiping out whole threads in order to remove criticism of your actions, you are attempting to devalue the worth of valid complaints by labelling them as "whinging".

As far as I can remember, this was the sequence of events

1) I posted a link to an eBay item, with which I had no association, because I thought it would be of genuine interest and help to people here.

2) You deleted the details because you decided it was "advertising".

3) Andrew posted saying that he was genuinely looking for test equipment bargains, and would appreciate assistance.

4) I replied with a couple of eBay links and a value-added comment on what I thought of the two.

5) You let those stand, but as soon as the eBay auctions finished you edited the post and then locked the topic.

6) I responded saying (AFAIR) that I thought what you'd done was a bit petty.

7) Andrew (I think) said he was still looking for equipment so I posted a couple more links.

8) I can't remember about the previous topics, but certainly in this one there were other posts critical of your behaviour.

9) You deleted the entire topic

10) You are still being criticised by others for your behaviour.

ban-all-sheds wrote:
Nobody agrees with you

moderator wrote:
yes they do

I've seen not one post expressing agreement, and a number expressing disagreement.
ban-all-sheds said:
1) I posted a link to an eBay item, with which I had no association, because I thought it would be of genuine interest and help to people here.
I'm a bit confused, I didn't think ebay was advertising as people are only selling their products as no difference when we show others website company which sell their products :confused:

I must admit I'm confused what is advertising or not.

I'm still learning :)
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