Tooltips and infotips in Vista

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Hi dave and thanks for your reply.

I found the first link and tried it but it doesn't work.

The second link you posted is about the snipping tool - that's the tool that I used to grab that section of the screen in my initial post.

The search goes on...
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Thanks empip. The first link is the same as the first link by dave, and I have tried that without success. I found and read the second link myself but could get nowhere trying to follow it.
This can't be that difficult to sort! :evil:
Dave, thanks for your persistance. However, this is the first thing I found and tried. It does not work - there is other feedback online about this suggesting stating that it does not work.
This "fix" is suppsed to work in XP as well as vista - try it on your own machine and see if you don't believe me. :p :)
I had read some of the forum comments saying that it had not worked for them but no reason. It could have been because of a conflict with some installed software.
I suggested it because it may have worked on your computer.
I cannot test it on mine because I don't have tooltips popping up and am not sure how to enable them to test if they can be disabled.
Dave, are you telling me that if you leave your mouse pointer on something (like the home button on internet explorer), after a few seconds a small box does not appear saying "home (ctrl+space)"?
I get the box saying "Home" but nothing about "home (ctrl+space)"

And I don't get that box that you showed in your screenshot with a url next to your google search window.


On IE 7 I have just unlocked the toolbars and right clicked and selected Customize.
Selected Show Text Labels and so the names of all the icons appear under the icon and when I mouse over the icons the balloon does not appear for obvious reasons that the name is visible.
I've just edited the registry to try those solutions and with XP Pro SP3 and IE7 they don't work, and you say they don't work with Vista so we are up against a brick wall.
"Alt +M" on mine. Oh, that's XP....
It's actually "Alt + M" in IE7 on vista too, it's "Alt + SPACE" in the opera browser I use. Don't use these types of shortcuts so it didn't register.

Actually, you just gave me the idea to check Opera settings and I found I could uncheck tooltips in there

so that's sorted that for internet browsing - at least that's the main thing. Right, off through all my other programs now to see if you can turn it off in them too. Thanks to all those who posted. :D

EDIT EDIT: If you turn "screentips" off in one Microsoft Office program, it automatically turn them off in other Office programs - oh bliss. :)
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