
24 Feb 2004
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United Kingdom
I guess our European friends, the French and Spanish will be happy to watch us celebrating the annihilation of 7000 of their fellow country men ...
They'll spot a very 'sensitive' gathering in the Solent on 28 June .. an International fleet review .. marking the bicentenary of the battle of Trafalgar ... A reminder of who is boss ?? Or just insensitve ??

Britain at the head of Europe ? ..... Some old wounds fester I think.

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What is wrong with celebrating our history. I am sure if the shoe was on the other foot they would be celebrating. What about the yanks are they not allowed to celebrate 4th July???. Or then again are we not allowed to celebrate VE and VJ day?? :eek:
Come on pip abit more thought ;)
There are ways and means of winding up 'heading things' ... Who actually gives a tinkers cuss for Trafalgar ?
Our 'leaders' probably used to beat the crap out of our own matelots in those days ... I guess the same happens today for all of us, just that the 'rope end' has been supplanted with other instruments no less painful in some respects .... Trafalgar ? Who gives a **** ?
:D :D
I suppose the key thing here is a celebration of a battle, what it should only be regarding any conflict is a remembrance of loss of life.
We have such a preoccupation with war and the such, I think it is best that old wounds are not opened and that perhaps an acceptance that war is a horrible thing and that the "celebrations" should instead be a quiet church service where those that wish to can go to remember loved ones rather than the "victory" which is just a glorification of war.
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Need an 'effing' good memory old chum ... Trafalgar was a while back !!
But point taken .. and yet again thoughtless UK ...arrogant barstewards ! The knotted rope end is still here, reinvented as taxation and loss of liberty ...
kendor said:
I suppose the key thing here is a celebration of a battle, what it should only be regarding any conflict is a remembrance of loss of life.
We have such a preoccupation with war and the such, I think it is best that old wounds are not opened and that perhaps an acceptance that war is a horrible thing and that the "celebrations" should instead be a quiet church service where those that wish to can go to remember loved ones rather than the "victory" which is just a glorification of war.

i agree totaly with you kendor the celebration is just for the pompous stuck up toffs they go around thinking they won the battle but in truth it was the sailors
I am sure that most Germans have no problem with us celebrating VE day. In fact, the German war cemetery at Monte Cassino refers to WW2 as "The fight for yours and our freedom".

Europe's post-Roman history is a little under 2000 years of everyone kicking each other's butts from time to time. What's wrong with celebrating it? OK, we are in the enviable position of having won most of the time, but we have too little interest in pomp and circumstance right now.

the celebration is just for the pompous stuck up toffs

Please could you define a pompous stuck-up toff?
B.O.B DOLE said:
i agree totaly with you kendor the celebration is just for the pompous stuck up toffs they go around thinking they won the battle but in truth it was the sailors

Celebration for pompous stuck up toffs because it was a long time ago?? :rolleyes: Cannot understand that quote. It does not make any sense at all :eek: Not surprising though is it ;)
pipme said:
There are ways and means of winding up 'heading things' ... Who actually gives a tinkers cuss for Trafalgar ?
Our 'leaders' probably used to beat the rubbish out of our own matelots in those days ... I guess the same happens today for all of us, just that the 'rope end' has been supplanted with other instruments no less painful in some respects .... Trafalgar ? Who gives a s**t ?
:D :D

Not the fact that a totally outnumbered navy fought one of the most courageous battles in naval history, showing the bravery of the sailors and the brilliance of the commanders. Does this help :rolleyes:
More Eu /A/Seekers ,eiger to work min wage as a knew brit ...FANTASTIC....

We have stupids here um /areing/this an that ...

can the GREAT BRITISH ...HAVE a GALLEON ....24hr

every polish(sorry an all superb workers )/GOOD /EU Workers

We have MAIL READERS wa*kers say this an that but the majority after seeing the 99% are tax/nat ins etc ...

to be honest , I am glad Im ENGLISH .lol
charley-farley said:
can the GREAT BRITISH ...HAVE a GALLEON ....24hr

every polish(sorry an all superb workers )/GOOD /EU Workers

We have MAIL READERS wa*kers say this an that but the majority after seeing the 99% are tax/nat ins etc ...
:confused: I must be shorter than I thought :eek:
It's the act of celebrating any victory that i find so tasteless, it comes across as a disregard of the lives lost and that should be the only reasons that battles from the past are remembered for, the loss of life and the total barbarity and the tragic consequences that they bring.
kendor said:
It's the act of celebrating any victory that i find so tasteless
Surely the act of celebrating a victory is, in itself, a celebration of the END of the barbarity. No?
TexMex said:
kendor said:
It's the act of celebrating any victory that i find so tasteless
Surely the act of celebrating a victory is, in itself, a celebration of the END of the barbarity. No?
That may be justifiable when the conflict has just ended and the relief of knowing loved ones are coming home is understandable but to keep on celebrating time after time?
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