
That may be justifiable when the conflict has just ended and the relief of knowing loved ones are coming home is understandable but to keep on celebrating time after time?
Should we perhaps ban Xmas then. To celebrate the salvation of mankind should have been restricted to the time immediately following Christs ascention. But to continue digging it up every year, in view of the inhumanity suffered by Jesus.. just tasteless ;)
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TexMex said:
That may be justifiable when the conflict has just ended and the relief of knowing loved ones are coming home is understandable but to keep on celebrating time after time?
Should we perhaps ban Xmas then. To celebrate the salvation of mankind should have been restricted to the time immediately following Christs ascention. But to continue digging it up every year, in view of the inhumanity suffered by Jesus.. just tasteless ;)
To be honest i don't think Xmas has a lot to do with religion these days, more to do with commercialism but i get your drift, thing is that sort of celebration is not so much about any sort of victory but about the suffering and the good done ( by Jesus)and that is my point about war im all for remembering it for the suffering but not to celebrate a "glorius victory" as it invariably is.
I would think that the Navy would want us to keep on celebrating their victories for as long as possible. If we forget their past importance they may get their budgets slashed even more.
jasy said:
B.O.B DOLE said:
i agree totaly with you kendor the celebration is just for the pompous stuck up toffs they go around thinking they won the battle but in truth it was the sailors

Celebration for pompous stuck up toffs because it was a long time ago?? :rolleyes: Cannot understand that quote. It does not make any sense at all :eek: Not surprising though is it ;)

ok what is a toff a toff is like a parasite it lives off the wealth of the backbone of the working class they live in nice houses they drive nice cars until war kicks off. Then they are given a post in army, navy raf, captain or general and they all speak upper class english . don't BE deceived SAID THE LORD FOR THEY ARE WOLFS IN SHEEPS CLOTHING.
Its time we got out the guillotine and see more heads role. It might sound a long time ago but its still the same crusty that rule us now but now they have learnt to use mind control. Only way to win is a revolution and chop all the bas..rds heads off full stop
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of course you top all those heads and then take over and find that corruptness overwhelms you(the revolutionary) and then it's your turn to be topped and so it goes on!
no coup in history has ever been to the advantage of the people, merely to feather the nest of the new leaders.
Of course some of us can walk in Horatio's footsteps, he being en route to Emma's boudoir for a little of what he fancied in his (h)armless style, today, me en route to the barber's shop ! and I am not having an affair wiv me barber !
No substitute for classy surroundings !!
Check it out

Must be something in the water !! ;)
:D :D :D
B.O.B DOLE said:
jasy said:
B.O.B DOLE said:
i agree totaly with you kendor the celebration is just for the pompous stuck up toffs they go around thinking they won the battle but in truth it was the sailors

Celebration for pompous stuck up toffs because it was a long time ago?? :rolleyes: Cannot understand that quote. It does not make any sense at all :eek: Not surprising though is it ;)

ok what is a toff a toff is like a parasite it lives off the wealth of the backbone of the working class they live in nice houses they drive nice cars until war kicks off. Then they are given a post in army, navy raf, captain or general and they all speak upper class english . don't BE deceived SAID THE LORD FOR THEY ARE WOLFS IN SHEEPS CLOTHING.
Its time we got out the guillotine and see more heads role. It might sound a long time ago but its still the same crusty that rule us now but now they have learnt to use mind control. Only way to win is a revolution and chop all the bas..rds heads off full stop

Oh dear, somebody who is uneducated in the knowledge of who runs our armed forces. How working class of you. The fact they undergo the same, if not more training. Yes, there are some toffs. But they are everywhere in life, not just the forces and yes most are great professionals who lead from the front. Not like you bob dole who has never served his country :rolleyes: ;)
B.O.B DOLE said:
ok what is a toff a toff is like a parasite it lives off the wealth of the backbone of the working class they live in nice houses they drive nice cars until war kicks off.

Well, I'm pretty sure that most tradesmen would classify themselves as working class and I am yet to see a plumber who doesn't have a nice house and a very nice car. I'm sure that there are some, but in this day and age class and wealth are very separate attributes. And as to the backbone of the working class, feudal spirit is long dead in this country.

Then they are given a post in army, navy raf, captain or general and they all speak upper class english .

This is what I was really getting at. There seems to be a misconception amongst particularly ignorant people that you can judge someone on dialect. I happen to speak RP, which you might confuse for this "upper class english". That doesn't make me dishonest or dishonourable any more than if my eyes were a bit too close together. It is an accent. :LOL: Also, the qualifications required to become an officer in HM armed forces are more stringent than "Must have a double-barrelled surname and have been to Eton". :rolleyes:

Its time we got out the guillotine and see more heads role. It might sound a long time ago but its still the same crusty that rule us now but now they have learnt to use mind control. Only way to win is a revolution and chop all the bas..rds heads off full stop

Ah yes, revolution. Of course. Interesting that you mention the guillotine there (and not just because you spelt it correctly). Let's take the key users of this device as an example. The French revolution (with those revolting peasants ;) ) occurred in the 1790s IIRC. So, that was the start of "the first republic". Modern day France is "the fifth republic". Yup, having a revolution and decapitating people really works to make a stable society. :LOL:

Anyway, proles will outnumber toffs 10:1 at the celebrations. ;)
I'm not falling for THAT trick again. :LOL:

Of course some of us can walk in Horatio's footsteps

That's just a posh word for rudeness with the mouth isn't it? :LOL:
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