Trafficking women for prostitiution

FWL_Engineer said:
Why do you all assume that men who visit Prostitutes are Lonely?

I think you lot know b*****r all about the world about you in this respect. I would suggest you speak to Police Officers who deal with Vice issues, you would be surprised to find that most "Jons" are actually happy, married, often middle class, but they are also common from the professions as well, and this does include Solicitors, Lawyers, Police Officers, Doctors etc etc, and the VAST majority are far from lonely.

I have been working with sex workers (male & female) for the past 6 years - I visit about 15 establishments at least once a week
I am involved on a panel that consists of Police officers who deal with 'Vice' as well as other statutory/non statutory agencies who offer help and support to all off street/street based sex workers
I have also been involved in working with the men who visit the places where women work.

With the greatest of respect to you Engineer, I feel I am very well aware of the World about me in relation to all aspects of sex work :)

I do agree that the men do come from all walks of life and professions and not all of the men are lonely - but I have seen some men who describe themselves to me as been lonely - their definitions not mine!!

Definitions of loneliness vary from one person to another.
I would argue that some people can be 'sexually lonely' they may have everything they could ever want in there homelife but feel 'lonely' about the kind of sex they're having/not having at home.
A classic one in relation to this is oral sex or infrequency of sex - some men feel it's worth paying the £40 to nip down the road to get this rather than cause upset at home - the same applies in relation to other 'practices' (which I don't really want to describe here!) - some men have said they wouldn't want to demean their wives/girlfriends/partners by asking for these 'specialist' services!
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Whilst I fear this thread is wandering way off subject matter, I wuld respond by saying this, I accept that some men may describe themselves as Lonely as a reason for visiting a prostitute, but is this real, illusionary or simply an unquatifiable excuse as they have been caught doing something socially unacceptable and they are embarrassed?

Personally I would argue the latter. I have been in situations where I have been without female compnay, that was available at least, for several months when working or travelling abroad, but never once have I even contemplated a hooker. I personally think it should be legalised and controlled, but even then I would not use their services. Loneliness is not a reason, but an excuse. We need to accept that the Human animal is not monogomous by nature, but as with 98% of primates and mammals for that matter, Polygomous.

Society needs to change it's perceptions of sex, only then will issues surrounding the sex trade be truly addressable.
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Thankyou for stopping this thread decending into a nasty awfulness (Thanks ,lol)

why so much hate ... the Yorkshire Ripper had less .. WOW..SCAREY !!!

This thing with snuff films is its NOT a Myth ...
you can even have a big bro type online show if you know where to go ..... as the "My lil eye" film said ..

where a market you can produce for it ....this Ive seen clips on a hackor site an its awful ..ITS A REAL PAY PER VIEW big bro type DEATH SITE ..
if you want snuff type stuff ,its sickening an plain wrong on many levels ,

get the film "MY LIL EYE " the jap version origional was better

this is a proper film of snuff movies an BBFC 18 cert